Bay garden a fun experience for growers of all ages

Holly Mack holds a zinnia plucked from her plot at the Bay Village Community Garden.

Join the community garden. There is still more room in the garden and open plots are available in spring. At the garden there are people that you might know or meet plus some people are nice enough to share some of their crops. Last year, when I was seven, someone gave me a tomato. And this year I’m getting a ton of snap peas.

You can grow onions, broccoli, lettuce, collards, tomatoes, squash, flowers, herbs, blue corn, Brussels sprouts and more. Remember when I said blue corn? I only know one friend who is growing blue corn. Her name is Lily. Her corn is so big! Here are some other good ideas of stuff to grow: strawberries, snap peas and radishes. They grow very fast!

The fruits and vegetables taste better than ones you buy from a store. The first crop that I picked from my garden was a radish. It tasted spicy but good.

And also the garden is great for the kids. To all you adults reading the paper, get your kid a garden! Let them find out how it is to own a garden.

The water that we use in the community garden comes from a rain barrel. Rain barrels help conserve water. But there’s also a hose connected to a faucet for when it does not rain.

One time I brought my friend Anna to the garden and we met a lady. There was this tomato plant that came up from last year in a person’s plot. The person that owned the plot was not tending to the plant and had no cage around it, so it fell down to the ground. The lady showed Anna and I how to use stakes to prop it up. That was fun. 

But if you don’t have enough time for a garden, don’t rent a plot! You do have to water your garden a lot. But don’t feel bad if you don't have a plot in the garden, because you could still come and just look.  The community garden is located at the corner of Wolf and Forestview roads. I really think you should join. I love my plot at the garden.

Editor's note: The community garden is open to all Bay residents. A limited number of plots are still available for this year, at a discounted rate of $10. Contact Lori Sprosty at 440-835-4852 if interested.

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Volume 4, Issue 16, Posted 10:24 AM, 08.07.2012