Cahoon in June 2012
A sunny, summer day featuring artisans, antiques, pet contests, and children's activities took place on June 16 at Bay Village's Cahoon Memorial Park.
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Minnie and Mickey Mouse greeted kids as they strolled through historic Cahoon Park.
Turtle races at the children's activities tent.
Visitors explore the many collectibles at the Bay Village Historical Society booth.
Visiting with the community writers at the Westlake | Bay Village Observer table with lots of ice cold water on a hot day.
Lots to look at in the many antique dealers.
Rob Swindell with his pet chihuahua, winner of the funniest pet costume contest.
Donna and Meghan Keener with their dogs, Evie, a Jack Russell terrier, and Nox, a long haired chihuahua, winners of the prettiest pet costume contest
Hi, kids! Hi, Micky and Minnie!
Colorful collectibles filled the tents for visitors to explore.
Andrew Kelly studies the black rat snke held by Dan Lopez of the Lake Erie nature & Science Center.