Plan ahead to protect pets in event of disaster
Bay Village was very blessed to have no loss of life during superstorm Sandy. However, another disaster could strike tomorrow without warning. Are you and your pets prepared?
Other forms of disaster include mudslides, blizzards, broken gas main, building collapse, chemical spill, earthquake, explosion, fire, flood fuel leaks/spills, hurricanes, lightning strikes, tornado, long-term power and water loss, terrorism and more.
Pets, like children and others, do fall into the vulnerable class as they depend on us for their safety. Bay Village has had many warnings to prepare, educate and communicate. Are you ready? Clearly communication failed during Sandy.
Presently a group of very talented and dedicated residents are working to ensure communications at the grass roots level are going to be a priority. However and tragically, pets could be impacted with nowhere for them to go. Bay's current facility is dated and only holds two dogs and no longer accommodates felines. Felines are left to fend for themselves on the streets of Bay Village. This structure, known as the kennel, is monitored by the police; if a disaster were to occur, pets might fall to the bottom of the pecking order as human life and safety would be the priority.
Some pet-saving suggestions:
- Keep a current photo of pets with your emergency supplies in the event the pet is lost or you are separated.
- Keep pets crated or on a leash to limit exposure to dangers. Have backup pet supplies and medications for your pets as you would for your other family members
- Keep all pets current on vaccines, have all medical records and licenses as you will need them to board them or possibly leave the state. Some states now mandate traveling pets even in vehicles have paperwork.
- Dogs with electronic collars should have some form of visible and current identification attached to the collars.
Get additional pet emergency information and disaster planning assistance from your animal hospital or professional pet care providers; Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),, keyword: pets; RedRover Responders (formerly EARS),, keyword: disaster plan; Pet Sitters International,, resource library, keyword: disaster plan.
Attend, observe and contribute at the next Emergency Communication Task Force Meeting, Feb. 11, 6 p.m., at Bay Village City Hall. The task force meets every two weeks.