
About this time I begin looking foward to the coming spring. Anticipating the stirrings, the buds about to blossom, the start of new life cycles and the earth full of promise as things begin to warm.

They say to keep your eye on the Weeping Willow – It will be the first to bloom. Another early entry are the crocuses, aggressive as they punch through the crust of snow to wink colors on a background of white.

Daffodils are not far behind, in bunches, with crowns of golden yellow, swaying with deep green stems.

Tulips always seem "stately" with their long stems, sleek forms and deep colors. They call it the "yellow explosion" – it's the forsythia with its millions of yellow bells. It blooms so quickly and then it's gone.

Awaiting spring carries with it the unforgettable sweet smell of "Old Fashion" Lilac!


Dave scullin


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Volume 5, Issue 8, Posted 10:38 AM, 04.16.2013