Appreciating truly local news
It's been five years! Congratulations to the staff of the Westlake | Bay Village Observer. I'm honored to have been given the opportunity to write for this excellent community newspaper. The experience I gained through my affiliation with the Observer has been immeasurable.
I am a grandmother with no professional writing experience who has written regularly for the Observer over the past four years. The opportunity to express my opinions, reminisce about the good old days and promote local activities designed specifically for senior citizens has allowed me to grow as a writer. Tara and Denny Wendell are always patient as I struggle to find my voice as a writer. Their encouragement has kept me writing, even during some challenging times in my personal life. Many thanks for being great editors.
With the advent of a new format for the daily paper in Cleveland this community is fortunate to have a newspaper which focuses on what's important to us as members of our community. The Observer's news and information does not rely on journalists who have no interest and very little knowledge of the needs of local readers because the Observer's writers are residents of this community. When I am interested in area news, I log on to the internet or tune in to Cleveland radio or television. Cable news sources provide good coverage of national and international news. When I want to know what's going on in my community, I turn to the Observer.
I am so very grateful to all who work so tirelessly to make the Westlake | Bay Village Observer a quality community newspaper. Thanks to the readers and advertisers who support the growth of community journalism.
Dianne Borowski
Bay Village