Bay Voters' Guide: City Council Candidates
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View the video of the League of Women Voters' Bay Village Oct. 2 candidates' night.
Non-partisan information provided by the League of Women Voters - Cuyahoga Area, Bay Village chapter
Absentee Voting Begins: Oct. 1
LWV Candidates Night: Oct. 2, 7 p.m., Bay High School
Voter Registration Deadline: Oct. 7
Election Day: Nov. 5
Polls Open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Bay Village City Council
Term: 4 years (At-Large); 2 years (Ward Reps)
Salary: $8,138 (2014); $8,635 (2017)
Questions for Bay Village City Council candidates:
1. (At-large candidates) What new ideas would you bring to the job that would be of value to the entire city?
1. (Ward reps) What improvements would you recommend in your ward, given its unique characteristics, that would benefit the city overall?
2. Executive meetings, special meetings, suspension of Council and Charter rules, and emergency clause legislation all reduce the opportunity for public oversight and input. Are they over-used? If no, explain; if yes, what would you do to reduce their frequency?
3. Identify the services whose costs might be shared through regionalization with other communities or with the county. Identify what services could be privatized.
4. Where and when is it appropriate to use public dollars to support private business ventures in the community? How would you craft legislation to that effect?
5. State your position on the need for an animal control officer in the city and for a stray animal kennel operated by the city.
6. What is your vision for the future of Cahoon Park? Do you support additional active recreational opportunities or business ventures on this land? If yes, what kind(s)? If no, why not?
Dwight A. Clark
Age: 56
Bachelor’s – Miami University; Master’s – Cleveland State University; SVP, New Business Development, Commercial Banking – FirstMerit Bank; Trustee, Bay Village Education Foundation; 2006 Levy Chair, Bay Village Schools; Advisory Board, Hospice of the Western Reserve; Former Board Member – Bay Rockets, Bay Band Boosters, Bay High Field of Dreams; 2007 Bay Village Citizen of Year; Council at Large, 2010 - Present.
1. New ideas: I pledge to extend my years of practical and professional industry experience to insure the strong financial standing of Bay Village for years to come. This would include working with our Administration and Directors to develop long-range operating and capital plans, geared to meet the current and future challenges in funding our own municipal government. I plan a more active leadership role, to utilize my skills and Council experiences to enhance communication between our legislative group and the various working departments within the City. Each of us is a principal stakeholder, and should be accountable to our residents.
2. Meeting rules: From my perspective, material elements of legislative action, including compensation ordinances, rezoning considerations and annual budget approvals, for example, firmly warrant full vetting and the normal three-reading process. Conversely, normal Council-matic actions, discussed openly in public, can be approved in one-reading sequence, increasing legislation efficiency. City Council, through our normal Committee process, endeavors to enhance transparency, hear and consider the input of interested residents, all geared to insure an open forum for items presented before final vote. We, as Bay residents, owe this professional responsibility, as elected officials, to our constituents.
3. Regionalization and privatization: Regionalization is rather broad term, and can be construed in many different ways by those who tout its benefits and disadvantages. I would firmly support an initiative to look closely at ways in which we can reduce the City’s growth in health care spending, which will approximate $1,500,000 for 2013. In addition, discussions amongst West Shore communities, such as in the sharing of costs for larger-scale capital items, such as a fire department ladder truck, would be imperative.
4. Support for private business: In the right situation, and for the betterment of the entire Bay Village community, public assistance may be warranted. At this juncture, tax abatement, in general, does not serve a prudent purpose for our City. Council recently passed a resolution defining conditions under which we would consider assistance. We must, however, be cognizant of economic changes, and how a potential project might enhance the overall quality of life for our citizens in the Village. If brought forth, the initiative will be fully vetted in a public venue.
5. Animal control officer & kennel: A decision was made several years ago to eliminate the ACO position within the City. Any construction of an animal kennel would seem to be a function of census data on strays provided by our Service and Police Departments. Any undertaking should consider taking advantage of shared services provided the City of Westlake ACO and assistance from Cuyahoga County.
6. Cahoon Park vision: Cahoon Park is one of the true gems of our City. It is an area which, within the entirety of greater Cleveland’s geography, is without comparison. I do not foresee major changes in the landscape in this area. Our primary responsibility, at present, lies in maintaining and improving the historic assets which reside in the Park, including, primarily, our Community House. In addition, we need to continue the physical and aesthetic improvements at Dwyer Center.
Steve Lee
Age: 49
I am a 20 year resident and was appointed to Council last January. My wife, Diana, has lived in Bay since 1978, and we have two children at Bay High—Marissa and Jack. Every day I feel blessed to be raising my family in this community. I will work to preserve and protect all that makes our community so desirable.
1. New ideas: I would pursue opportunities to better inform residents on the city’s finances and to seek more public input on decisions that go in to the annual budget. Your city government should be working creatively and collaboratively, and with public input, to figure out ways to continue to deliver the excellent services Bay residents expect in an environment of flat or declining city revenues. Although Bay Village is a very desirable place to live, we cannot be complacent and should be striving for continuous improvement and enhancement.
2. Meeting rules: Since joining Council, I have observed firsthand how public input improves local government. I welcome opportunities for oversight and support transparency. Even so there are limited circumstances when the city’s best interests are served through executive sessions, such as contract or litigation strategy discussions. As a member of Council, I would like to pursue ways to reduce use of the emergency clause. However, because city contracts involve the preparation of specifications, the open solicitation of bids and finally the awarding of contracts, adding multiple readings and delaying the effectiveness of legislation can result in projects not getting done on time.
3. Regionalization and privatization: Animal control and fire inspection are services that could potentially be shared with a neighboring community since we can no longer afford a full-time city employee performing those services. The city also should regularly evaluate service offerings from Cuyahoga County in areas such as HR, IT and procurement. Cleveland Water, and the Rocky River waste water treatment plant, are both examples of regional solutions that have historically worked very well for Bay. I don’t believe regionalization or privatization of any service should be considered unless service levels can be maintained or improved, while at the same time reducing costs.
4. Support for private business: I am not in favor of tax abatement to support private residential development and voted in favor of Council’s recent resolution opposing such measures. With few exceptions, I believe the market should operate freely. However, the use of public dollars for infrastructure improvements that might spur private business development is appropriate. As a city we should be constantly pursuing state or federal grant opportunities to help fund improvements to our infrastructure. Our community is a desirable place for private investment and we should work hard to keep it that way.
5. Animal control officer & kennel: Although I was not a member of Council when the position was eliminated, when faced with the reality of the city’s declining revenues, I agree that the city can’t afford a full time animal control officer at this time. I would like to explore further part-time options, partnering with a neighboring city, utilization of county services or volunteers. It all comes down to figuring out ways to do more with less funding. It is the reality of the times we are in, and the fact that as a city we have limited opportunities to add to our tax base.
6. Cahoon Park vision: First and foremost we should preserve the historic and natural beauty of the park. In addition, we should embrace opportunities to increase enjoyment and usage for all ages. The new disc golf course is a perfect example, and the bike co-op has enhanced the park and brought to life unused space in the Community House. I would like to see the city move forward with a historic renovation of the Community House in the park so as to both preserve this facility for future generations as well as increase regular usage. I cannot foresee true businesses locating within the park.
* Mr. Lee was appointed in January 2013 to fill a vacated At-Large seat. He is now standing for election for the rest of that term, expiring Dec. 31, 2015.
David L. Tadych
Age: 71
BACKGROUND: Councilman (10 Years); Initiated successful ward meetings; Mr. Coffee, VP, Information Systems; Bicentennial Chairman; Military, Coast Guard; 43 year resident. EDUCATION: St. Edward High; John Carroll University. EXPERIENCE: Committees/Commissions: Finance (10 years); Public Improvements; Services, Utilities and Equipment; Planning; Citizens Cable; Economic Development; County Citizens Advisory Board; Executive Board of Northeast City Council Association; St. Raphael; AARP Taxes.
1. Improvements: First, we must continue efforts to address city sewer flow and residents’ personal basement flooding concerns. In this area, we have made good solid advancement. Additionally, addressing the following improvements will benefit both Ward and City.
• Intensify home and property inspections.
• Columbia Road Park- Lake Road crossing safety and park stairway renovation.
• Sunset Neighborhood- completion of road, sewer and area flooding improvement project.
• Clague Road Business Area- General area cleanup with signage; building, lighting and parking improvements. See ordinances: 80-87; 81-30; 83-2.
• Reese Park- Lighting upgrade and restroom improvements.
2. Meeting rules: They are not over-used.
• Executive sessions are very necessary for privacy of wage/salary/contract discussion and legal matters.
• Special meetings are necessary for matters to be approved/disapproved when Council is not in session and results are timely.
• Suspension of Charter rules. These require 3 readings. In many instances, the approval impacts everyday issues and could delay these actions for weeks.
• Emergency clause is the most misunderstood rule. Simply stated by suspending this clause we are able to see passed legislation begin at signing.
• Council rules simply require that we receive legislation information 24 hours before discussion.
3. Regionalization and privatization: Shared resources are possible in many cases, but in many of these cases unacceptable delays or results would make them poor choices. Possible areas where there may be some acceptable results but would need deep study might include: Health care costs, legal, utilities, public grounds, environmental work, stream and waterway clean-up, safety, and purchasing. I am sure others may be acceptable for study too. We successfully do some purchasing using the State of Ohio programs. These have been acceptable. Additionally, 911 calls are answered successfully in a shared effort with other cities and RITA collects our city income taxes.
4. Support for private business: I support private business in Bay and offer my personal help in bringing it to our city. However, in most uses, public dollars are best kept for public advancement. Land banking, which I have advocated for since 2007 is an idea where public dollars could be used to slowly purchase a site, where we could find a developer to build a true area devoted to well needed senior housing. We lack dollars, at this time, to begin an effort of this scope.
5. Animal control officer & kennel: This is a difficult issue. One side lets the city manage. The other offers help and a free building for pets. My estimate for the City to manage/maintain it with associated costs and warden would be $90,000 yearly; $1,000,000 in 10 years, almost a new fire truck. My answer: Compromise. An eastside city and its resident, Mrs. Levin, have developed a plan incorporating active ongoing strong resident work involvement combining city services. Without ongoing citizen involvement and combined city help nothing will change. Dollars at this time are not there. Compromise and cooperation: because our pets deserve the best.
6. Cahoon Park vision: My vision of Cahoon Memorial Park, our City jewel, is that of a well-maintained and somewhat divided park land. The first area is to be set aside and maintained as a peaceful and historical respite much like we enjoy today. The second is to be targeted as an active, citizens involved area of permanent activities guided by the well-written will of Ida Maria Cahoon in her generous gift to the City.
Clete Miller
Age: 46
Ward 2 Councilman, 2012 – present; Member, Bay Village Planning Commission, 2005 – 2011; Bachelor of Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University, 1999; Member of U.S. Army Reserves, Military Police, 1985 -1989; Employed by WMF Inc., as a Project Manager of large-scale Architecture and Construction projects. I’m proud to have served as Councilman of Ward 2, knowing I have positively given back to [...]
1. Improvements: I am currently Chairman of the Public Improvements Committee, and would continue addressing our antiquated or deteriorating infrastructure above and below the streets. The recent cleaning and modernization of our storm and sanitary systems has significantly reduced flooded basements. Rampant power outages or underages must be addressed for Ward 2 and city at-large by meeting with CEI staff willing to make changes now to support our infrastructure into the next century. As councilman of Ward 2, I have been proactive with our business owners who are expanding – an example of growth is “The Village Project”.
2. Meeting rules: I believe they are not overused, as these exceptions to transparent government protect public employee and employer discussions involving employment issues, discipline or merit, compensation, attorney activities for either employees or city, and preparations or review of contract negotiations. Solar Power Generation is an example in which I didn’t use emergency clause was during council review; council used three readings and adopted. On the contrary, contracts for construction projects or vended services often use the emergency clause to get that work or service underway and not wait forty-days for action.
3. Regionalization and privatization: Possibly, the county might consider offering regionally negotiated, prevailing wage, lower-cost services such as, street surface improvements, refuse collection, and maybe Bay could reciprocate to the region by offering our police department’s firing range, at a negotiated fee, to other police departments who may not have access to their own or cannot afford an indoor range.
4. Support for private business: Today, the city uses tax funds to maintain infrastructure to support not just needs of residents, but needs of businesses too. It’s a primary function of a “Community”. Should a business chose to locate in bay Village and request financial assistance, I would weigh the benefit to the residents before agreeing to any deals benefiting others. Legislation to this effect requires great oversight, thorough review for legal precedence, and not just pushed through in executive session or by use of emergency clause.
5. Animal control officer & kennel: I am in favor of an animal control officer that would be shared with Westlake as a fee for service. The fees could be result of fines levied upon neglectful pet owners and those who have not registered their dogs with the county. I support renovation of the existing Bay kennel through generous support by Friends Of Bay Village Animal Kennel, and believe the city could reciprocate by keeping the kennel’s lights on. The FOBVAK and city could mutually operate a kennel for canines and felines. We must recognize these wayward animals as extensions of our resident’s families.
6. Cahoon Park vision: We live directly across from Cahoon Park and appreciate the park every day. I take the charge as a Park Trustee very seriously and have been challenged to make choices that uphold the wishes of the Cahoon Will and best serving the residents now and in the future – some examples are, Skate Park, Community House Cupola, Rental Home Demolition, Kiddie Kollege, and Village Bike Coop. Recently a Bay resident proposed a series of recreational activity stations that would appeal to a broader demographic instead of a specific youth sport. I will act of his behalf as the point person to [...]
Paul W. Vincent
Age: 31
440-847 9221
My wife, Kateri, and I have been blessed with two children, Chloe and Lincoln. We’ve been very happy growing our family in Bay since 2010. I graduated from Walsh University and later from the UAkron School of Law. I’m an attorney, pizza shop owner with my two brothers, parishioner of St. Raphael and former member of Bay School’s Advisory Committee.
1. Improvements: There are long and short-term improvements I would suggest for Ward 2. In the short term, I’d suggest more citizen involvement on issues of public concern. By utilizing social media and email, I will work to ensure that each resident has the opportunity to understand what is taking place in Council – especially for issues as important to our Ward as attached residences. In the long term, I’d like to add more opportunities for residents of all ages to live an active lifestyle; focus on improving our aged infrastructure; and develop mechanisms on advancing open government.
2. Meeting rules: Without question, there are certain situations that require swift action. However, this should be a rare occurrence. Our democracy thrives best when there is a diversity of ideas. Although final decisions come from Council, there should be adequate time for residents to voice their opinions on any issue that requires taxpayer dollars. We’ve seen that the unpredictable weather of Ohio can lead to scenarios where abiding by traditional legislative action can make difficult situations for families even worse. I’d propose adopting a procedure for giving more public notice when these mechanisms are used, which should naturally discourage their abuse.
3. Regionalization and privatization: Regionalization should be a very careful consideration and requires a serious debate before coming to a conclusion. Of course, we need to be vigilant in protecting taxpayer dollars, but like many Bay residents I want to feel that my taxes are paying for exceptional services. There are common sense services that can be shared to save money like SWAT and wastewater treatment that would have negligible impact on residents. Once we jump into a shared service arrangement there is no quick fix in rescinding the agreement, so we need to be very thoughtful.
4. Support for private business: There are cities that need to attract business by greatly incentivizing their investment. From my perspective, Bay Village is already a great place to invest. Obviously, a larger tax base for revenue, including more business revenue, is vital in keeping our city vibrant. However, as an attorney and a small business owner, I know that businesses are always trying to squeeze every dollar they can out of an opportunity. Typically, that’s good business. Our city is already ripe for new business ventures as our residents support local business and our median income is one of the highest in northeast Ohio.
5. Animal control officer & kennel: This is a passionate issue for many residents and I see the value in having a city officer and kennel. However, I think there are alternatives available other than putting the entire cost of the program on the city’s budget. I’d propose a public-private partnership for the creation of a non-profit where the city and sponsors assist in paying for an officer and the management of an upgraded kennel. There already are a significant number of residents offering their assistance, both financially and professionally, to improve animal care for stray pets and I think we should utilize the opportunity.
6. Cahoon Park vision: Cahoon Park is one of the city’s biggest selling points. To change the Cahoon Park landscape in any significant way would be a detriment to the city and its residents. I would oppose any business venture at Cahoon Park. I do think some minor alterations can improve the park. I’d like to add fitness circuits to the existing walking paths. I’d also like to add some hard surfaces near the soccer and football fields, so spectators have better places to stand to watch their children play. The goal of any change I’d propose would be to maintain the park’s charm.
Walter D. Halun
Age: 68
Cleveland State University, BA; Baldwin Wallace University MBA; Supply Chain Contracts Manager for several corporations in the greater Cleveland area. Obtained the best value and best contract terms to ensure completion of high quality work. I can apply that experience to achieve cost savings and efficiencies for Bay Village.
1. Improvements: a. Organize a campaign to raise funds to help defray costs associated with replacing ornamental trees on tree lawns that have been lost through the years..
b. Encourage community spirit to assist elderly residents who may need assistance with raking leaves or snow removal.
c. Institute a review and approval process to maintain architectural charm of Bay Village homes when older homes are torn down and replaced. Neighbors who will be impacted by rebuilds should be invited to the Council meeting where this will be discussed and voted on.
2. Meeting rules: Yes, I believe they are overused. Citizens should have advance notice of the agenda for Council meetings and should be encouraged and invited to attend. Emergency meetings should be reserved for true emergencies, such as situations that would disrupt the normal operations of the city, weather calamities, accidents, etc. To ensure trust and support of city government, transparency is essential.
3. Regionalization and privatization: If it is not already being done, group purchasing contracts should be explored for the purchase of goods and services with the county and or our nearby communities. The quality and level of service or product should not be compromised, but taking costs out of the supply chain can benefit all communities. The same standards and practices that impact decisions in the business world should be applied to city government, to ensure efficiency, cost control and effective city operations.
4. Support for private business: This should be a ballot issue and should never be left to Council to make that decision... Before it can be brought to the ballot, which always costs money, Council should hold three consecutive meetings to discuss the proposal with citizens to determine if it will benefit our city and if the design of the building will enhance our community. The benefit should be clearly spelled out in the legislation, which should be easy to understand.
5. Animal control officer & kennel: We are a pet friendly city, and pets are an integral part of the community. We must reinstate the position of Animal Control Officer to assure our pets are safe where they need rescue. Currently lost pets are released to Cuyahoga County dog kennel. Additionally, wildlife issues require a professional approach to maintain a safe community.
6. Cahoon Park vision: Cahoon Park must be maintained as is—no business ventures. Its beautiful green and open space provides respite for all. It has been a gathering place for decades for families to watch their sons and daughters play soccer, attend band concerts, walk in the rose garden and connect with our history. This park is a treasure that few communities have—we should be good stewards of this incredible resource.
Karen A. Lieske
Age: 63
EDUCATION: Master of Public Administration, University of Cincinnati. EXPERIENCE: 2 years Councilwoman; Chair, Recreation and Park Improvement Committee; Environment, Safety and Community Services Committee; Services, Utilities & Equipment Committee; Cahoon Park Trustee; Bay Emergency Task Force; 12 years Bay Village Board of Education, President 3 years; Assistant Director, Career Services, Cleveland State University; Bethesda on the Bay; 33 year resident.
1. Improvements: I would recommend the following improvements in my ward that would benefit the city overall: Monitor and enforce deer legislation, continued upgrade of storm sewers to address basement flooding, continued monitoring of debris and yard waste dumped in creeks, review need for parking requirements for home businesses, as well as intensify and resume city-wide home inspection program. I also would work with residents of Saddler Beach Association to resolve easement and storm water issues and enforce speed on Beach Lane.
2. Meeting rules: Not over-used.
• Official business must be conducted in open meetings unless exempt by ORC 121.22. Personnel, purchase of property, contract and legal matters are allowed. Anticipate fewer when contract negotiations are completed.
• Special meetings (Sec. 2.11 of Charter) address emergencies, bids, contracts and issues where time is an issue.
• Suspending Council and Charter rules (Sec. 2.13) are necessary because there is not always time for 3 readings before action must be taken.
• Emergency clause (Sec. 2.15) allows Council to determine when an ordinance takes effect. Charter places some restrictions on what is allowed.
3. Regionalization and privatization: Services where costs might be shared through regionalization or with the county could include health care, legal, purchasing, recreation, animal control, lawn cutting and park maintenance, as well as the purchase of fire equipment.
An example of a service that might be privatized occurred earlier this year with the privatizing of the City’s Building Department through the contract with SafeBuilt.
4. Support for private business: Each proposal to use public dollars to support private business ventures in the community would be reviewed in the appropriate committee(s) to determine if it were financially feasible. In general, the City does not have the resources to use public dollars to support private business ventures in the community.
5. Animal control officer & kennel: Cooperation and working together is the only way to resolve this to the satisfaction of all parties and to do what is best for the residents, the City and our animals. A generous, anonymous donor has offered funds to construct a kennel. FOBVK has offered to assist with its management and operation. Finding a compromise acceptable to all parties on how to best fund and meet these needs would best be handled in a public discussion, possibly with Council committee involvement.
6. Cahoon Park vision: My vision for the picturesque, beautiful Cahoon Park is for it to be a place for all Bay Village citizens to enjoy as Ida Maria Cahoon generously provided in her 1917 will. Additional active recreational opportunities on this land include the recently installed disc golf and could in the future include possibly fitness trail equipment and completion of the walking trail that goes from Huntington Park to the fire station. I also envision it being a park to be enjoyed for its beauty and proximity to the lake by those who just want to spend time there.
Thomas Henderson
Age: 34
Tom holds an MBA in Finance from Case Western Reserve. He began his career at Deloitte, honed his financial skills at Key Bank and currently works in corporate finance at the Cleveland Clinic. Tom is a director on the board of a nonprofit that helps Northeast Ohioans start small businesses and he serves as a volunteer teacher for Junior Achievement.
1. Improvements: I have been exchanging ideas with many residents. My favorite concept is that Bay could partner with Avon Lake to build a year-round recreation center with an indoor pool, exercise equipment, group exercise space or other amenities at Walker Road Park, which these cities jointly own. Bay’s pool, which is closed in the winter and on Sundays, generates more revenue than it costs to operate. If an operating model could be developed to allow a recreation center to be financially self-sustaining, I would lead the effort to develop a bond proposal for the residents of both cities to consider.
2. Meeting rules: Bay suspended charter rules requiring three separate readings on 93% of ordinances passed thus far in 2013, compared to 36% in River and 77% in Westlake. Bay adopted 100% of these ordinances as emergency measures, while River and Westlake did so 76% and 47% of the time, respectively. These actions improve governmental efficiency for routine legislation when properly employed, but should never be used to limit public input on important decisions. I will consider the importance and time-sensitivity of every ordinance, vote accordingly and encourage other council members to do the same while monitoring Bay’s ratios for improvement.
3. Regionalization and privatization: The terms “regionalization” and “privatization” suggest, to some, risk of decline in service quality or loss of community identity. There is a brighter side. We all enjoy the Cuyahoga County library here in Bay. Many of us ride an RTA bus downtown. By partnering with neighbors, Bay residents stand to benefit from economies of scale. In the future, we might collaboratively procure animal control and shelter services, tree and flower maintenance, or accounts payable/payroll services. This could enable us to bring back lost services, such as DARE, or invest in new projects to keep Bay unique and desirable.
4. Support for private business: Direct investment of public dollars in private enterprise is generally inadvisable. Risking capital is a role for entrepreneurs and investors - not public officials. However, tax abatements are an effective tool to attract businesses and promote job creation. Such legislation must ensure mandated capital investments cause the net present value of real estate tax cash flows to be greater than if the property remained in its current state. Estimates of increased income taxes from new employees must also be considered. Finally, the planning commission must ensure the facility respects neighboring property owners and reflects the character of Bay Village.
5. Animal control officer & kennel: The ACO attended to 1,421 animals in 2010. The BVPD received steady animal-related call volume across 2010 (789), 2011 (771) and 2012 (756). This indicates demand for ACO services existed prior to and after the position’s elimination in 2011. Therefore, reinstatement of ACO services should be considered, possibly on a regional or contracted basis, alongside other priorities. The County Shelter received an average of just three dogs from Bay, annually, over the past three years. It saved the lives of 82% of all dogs received this year, exceeding Ohio’s average. Therefore, I support privately-funded efforts to further promote adoption.
6. Cahoon Park vision: According to a survey of approximately 500 Bay residents conducted for the most recent Master Plan (1999), residents “recognize this large open space … as a unique resource for the community which should be preserved.” I agree. I enjoy listening to the Bay Village Community Band at the Gazebo, swimming at the aquatic center, watching families enjoy the soccer fields and attending Bay Days in the summer. I am open to small, family-oriented, recreational developments on this land like mini-golf, shuffleboard courts or an exercise path as long as they are tastefully designed and properly maintained.
Mike Young
Age: 57
I’m a Manufacturer’s Representative and 29-year resident of Bay. From 2004-05 I served as a citizen member of the Contiguous Property Committee which drafted buffering/zoning legislation and on the City of Avon’s I-90 Interchange Committee. Since 2006 it’s been my honor to serve as Ward 4 Councilman and since 2012 as City Finance Chairman and Vice President of Council.
1. Improvements: Council is currently debating changes to our Attached Residence code which was drafted in the 70’s. Any change must reflect the character of Bay, and allow for the varying feel of each Ward. While I support attached residence development, I believe it should be limited to areas envisioned in the master plan. With completion of the I-90 Interchange and the Bradley/Naigle intersection project, the intersection of Bradley/Lake has moved to the top of safety and commuter traffic issues in Ward 4. A traffic study needs to be ordered for this intersection to determine if indeed a traffic light is warranted.
2. Meeting rules: There isn’t an instance I know in which a special meeting, emergency clause, or an executive session was called with the intent of bypassing public comment or scrutiny. Council votes on suspending these rules each time. If they are not warranted, Council can and should vote against their use. There are more important issues to debate: Westlake is looking to cut our southern water line connections and move to Avon, not Cleveland, Water. How will that affect our water pressure and quality? Should we join them? The E.P.A. has mandated $3.2 million in sewer improvements. How should we fund them?
3. Regionalization and privatization: In 2015 Bay is scheduled to replace its Fire Ladder Truck. The estimated cost is $1.4 million. One of the findings of the Fire District Study was that there is an excess of two Ladder Trucks in the areas served. I believe at the very least, we should consider a more formal mutual aid agreement to share the costs of these needed, but expensive assets. Unlike our neighbors, Bay has a state of the art E.P.A. compliant indoor Police Shooting Range. This expensive asset that should be shared with a fee to help cover its capital and operating cost.
4. Support for private business: This is a copy of my proposed Resolution for evaluating future development projects for possible Tax Abatement or Tax Increment Funding. Council is scheduled to vote on it 9/16/2013:
• Proposed development and/or redevelopment projects must be for either distressed, underutilized, or underdeveloped properties where development would not occur otherwise.
• Other means of incentivizing development such as County, State, or Federal programs must have already been explored and exhausted.
• Such development incentives should generally be reserved for commercial development.
• Such projects must fall within Bay Village’s developmental goals: such as the city’s Master Plan or the Kent [...]
5. Animal control officer & kennel: Bay’s Animal Control Officer worked four days a week. Considering vacations and holidays, an A.C.O. was on duty half the year with Police and the Service departments handling the rest. Now they do it year round. We average only 4.5 animal phone calls per day (Few of these are actionable.) and in the last three months only two dogs spent one night each at our kennel. Considering these numbers, I believe only a regionalized A.C.O. is needed to handle what we can’t- injured and/or dangerous animals. I do support a stray animal kennel. However, the Police Department should decide these.
6. Cahoon Park vision: First things first, City Council and the Mayor have the additional responsibility of being Cahoon Park Trustees. As trustees our first obligation must be to insure that the provisions of the Cahoon Will are upheld. The will specifically requires that the Rose Hill Museum and Community House are to be maintained in perpetuity. Frankly the Community House’s condition is a disgrace and it necessitates action. We have $1.9 million in our Municipal Building Improvement Fund that can’t be spent for other purposes. Some of these funds should be used to restore this nationally recognized landmark.
This Voters’ Guide was assembled by members of the League of Women Voters - Cuyahoga Area, Bay Village Chapter, who selected the questions and placed word limits on the responses. Truncated responses are denoted by the [...] symbol. Candidates’ responses are printed verbatim, up to the word limit. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order. The League of Women Voters does not endorse any candidates for any offices. We neither endorse nor reject any views quoted in this Voters’ Guide. Published as a service to the voters of Bay Village by the League of Women Voters - Cuyahoga Area, Bay Village Chapter in partnership with Westlake | Bay Village Observer. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political membership organization. We encourage informed and active participation in government, work to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influence public policy through education and advocacy.
Read Bay Mayoral Candidates' Responses