Visualize your vote!

Researchers for the 2012 presidential campaign discovered that simply asking people what time of day they plan to vote and what route they plan to drive makes it more likely they will follow through.

Whether you're a Red, Blue, or United Stater, take a moment to visualize heading to the polls on your way to work ... stopping by at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. to avoid the crowd ... doing your patriotic duty on the way home ... sitting down today to fill out that vote-by-mail ballot.

Whether you're a D, R, or I voter, take a moment to picture the difference Your Candidate will make – and the difference That Other Person might make if you fail to cast your deciding vote in this close election.

It's the Made in America thing to do. Please say, "Yes I can!"

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Volume 5, Issue 21, Posted 10:17 AM, 10.15.2013