Celebrate Arbor Day with the Bay Village Green Team and order a free tree

Above is an example of a mature Eastern Redbud in springtime bloom. The Bay Village Green Team will plant tree saplings in residents' yards again this year to celebrate Arbor Day. Photo courtesy C. Reese, University of Tennessee
One of the most sustainable things we can do as private residents, community directors and corporate property managers is to plant trees. The benefits of trees are significant. Not only do they beautify neighborhoods, increase property values and reduce storm water runoff, trees also clean the air of pollutants and particulates while providing oxygen.
We are lucky to live in an area with many beautiful trees. In fact, both Bay Village and Westlake have achieved the “Tree City USA” designation from the Arbor Day Foundation. This designation shows the community’s commitment to caring for and managing their public trees. To be a Tree City, communities must maintain a tree board or department, have a community tree ordinance, spend at least $2 per capita on urban forestry and celebrate Arbor Day.
Arbor Day is the last Friday in April, this year on April 25. To celebrate Arbor Day, the Bay Village Green Team has ordered 25 tree saplings, and will help to plant them in residents’ yards. The saplings are free of charge, although a donation of $15 helps to cover the cost and allow for the purchase of more trees next year. This will be the third year that the Green Team has planted tree saplings for Arbor Day.
The trees are the Tennessee Pink Eastern Redbuds variety. The supplier is Brotzman’s Nursery in Madison, Ohio. Eastern Redbuds are small deciduous trees that typically grow about 20 feet in height and have a similar spread. They have pink blossoms in spring. The leaves start out with a reddish tone, turn a dark green in summer and then yellowish in autumn.
The Eastern Redbud is a great ornamental tree, well suited for a garden. The tree should have full sun to part shade and be planted in an area with well drained soil. Spring is a perfect time to plant this lovely tree.
If you are interested in having the Bay Village Green Team plant a Tennessee Pink Eastern Redbud for you, please email bayvillagegreenteam@gmail.com with your phone number and our program leader Dan Krieg will contact you. The saplings will be planted in late April or early May and are available on a first come, first serve basis while supplies last.
Brenda OReilly
Co-Chair of the Bay Village Green Team