The frozen beauty of Lake Erie
The calendar says it's spring. Everything else suggests winter has not yet left our area. I decided to stop at Huntington Beach to take a good look at the still-frozen lake. My gloves were on a table at home. Necessity kept my hands in my pockets. I chastised myself for forgetting my gloves.
Sunshine glistened on the snow-covered ice. Some snow looked like waves frozen into a sculpture. I wish I had the courage to move to the ice to put my gloveless hand on the frozen surface. Since I'm not as steady on my feet as I used to be I decided to stay where I was and just take in the beauty.
Clouds hung low over the water that afternoon. If I could just get a little closer I could touch a cloud, I thought. Of course, it was an illusion but the dreamer in me insists someday I will touch a cloud.
Seagulls flew around my head and ducks swam in little pools of melted ice close to the shore. A red-bellied woodpecker probed a tree for insects. He was a diligent fellow, still searching for food when I left.
I'm happy I decided to visit our frozen coastline that cold afternoon. My next visit to Huntington Beach will be very different – warm and sunny, I hope.
Dianne Borowski
Bay Village