West Shore announces upcoming chamber events
Annual Golf Outing
The West Shore Chamber's annual golf outing will be held on Thursday, Aug. 7, at Avon Oaks Country Club. Shotgun start is at 1 p.m. This is a joint event with the Fairview Park Chamber of Commerce. There are still openings and sponsorships available. Cost of $150 per person includes golf, cart, lunch and dinner. This event is open to the public. Advance registration is required.
New Teachers Luncheon
The annual luncheon welcoming our new teachers in Bay Village and Westlake will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 12, at the Holiday Inn in Westlake. The event is from 11:30 am-1 p.m. State Representative Nan Baker will be the guest speaker. Cost is $20 per member. Advance registration is required.
To register for these events, please contact Sharon Matthews at 440-835-8787 or email sharon@westshorechamber.org.
New Westshore Chamber Member
Passion for Change is a unique, Westlake-based not-for-profit 501(c)(3), which serves as a catalyst in breaking the stigma of mental illness by shedding light, challenging misperception and driving change through research, advocacy and education. Located at 28263 Center Ridge Road, Suite E-12 in Westlake, PfC is currently conducting its "Communicators for Mental Health" Greater Cleveland pilot project and welcomes volunteers. For more information, check us out at www.passionforchange.org, or contact us at 216-496-3295 or mquill@passionforchange.org.
Sharon Matthews
Sharon Matthews
Executive Assistant, West Shore Chamber of Commerce