It's time to think spring
Snow sparkles when freshly fallen. When it covers bushes, tree limbs and muddy, slushy surfaces, it reminds me of a painting. On a very cold day, stepping outdoors can take your breath away. Icicles glisten while snow flakes swirl and dance to the silent symphony of the wind.
Ice, snow and bitter cold can also be dangerous. Beside beauty, winter can bring the flu, falls, pneumonia and frostbite. Northeastern Ohio has broken many records for extreme cold temperatures in the past few weeks. Some schools have reached their limit on snow days. It's time for a break and I don't mean an arm or a leg. Winter this year has outlived its welcome.
I would like to see ice chunks melting into the warming water of Lake Erie. This would give me hope. How about seeing crocuses, tulips and daffodils poking through the ground, searching for the sun? I wonder when we will really see the last of this winter. A warm spring rain would be delightful. I would prefer to receive my daily requirement of vitamin D outdoors in the sunshine instead of from a bottle.
So dear friends and neighbors, let's think spring. It's time to hunt up gardening tools and retire snow shovels, however, Mother Nature's schedule seems to be out of whack this year. The weather should be getting warmer ... after all it's March. It's time to get out of the deep freeze.
Dianne Borowski
Bay Village