Writers group welcomes new authors
The West Side Writers have been meeting once a month at Westlake Porter Public Library to share their stories and obtain valuable feedback in the polishing process called "critiquing." Using the internet, writers distribute their writing prior to meetings, and then come together to offer constructive comments, suggestions and ideas to improve their writing.
The novels that have come out of this supportive environment cover a wide range of genre, from supernatural to science fiction to thrillers and mysteries. At least seven novels have gone through the critiquing process and been published.
The West Side Writers provide authors with support and helpful comments. Sure, sometimes there are comments about errors, but critiquing is a way to get a "fresh set of eyes" looking at the writing to catch those items that an acquiring editor might use as an excuse for rejecting a manuscript.
The group meets on the third Saturday of every month, except December, starting at 9:30 a.m. New members are welcome and there is a $5 annual fee to cover the cost of provided refreshments. The age range of participants is from 16 through 80. Younger participants are cautioned about the difficulty of writing to professional standards, and if they accept and perform to that level, they are welcome.
Some of the West Side writers whose published novels are available on Amazon include: Stephen Haywood Brown ("Wrath of the Eagle," "Track of the Treasure"); George McNulty ("The Trieste Intrigue"); Ian Lewis ("The Camaro Murders"); Tim Uhr ("Touched") and M.B. Wood ("Superheat," "MTA & Rapid Transit").