Waiting for spring
I don't quite believe that spring has arrived. The calendar says it's spring and the cycles of the moon testify to the fact that spring is here. Daylight savings time also reminds us of spring, but where is it? The ice on Lake Erie is melting which means the weather is warming a bit.
Unfortunately, the gray days and off-again, on-again cold temperatures and chilly wind just don't seem like spring. Perhaps Easter will bring with it spring weather which will stay around around until summer. All I'm asking for is flowers blooming, warm spring rain, and more sunny days.
Spring always has the ability to lift my spirits and that's why I'm complaining. I realize all the complaining, wishing and wondering when spring will arrive to stay won't make it happen. I guess I'll have to accept the fact that I can't control the weather.
If I wait long enough spring will show up, even it happens sometime in June. For now I'll try to be patient and wait it out. Do I have any other choice? After all, it's Cleveland, my hometown, and I love it.
Dianne Borowski
Bay Village