Bay Village senior wellness participants plant vegetable garden

Volunteers brave the hot sun to plant rows of tomatoes, peppers, herbs and other plants in the new Dwyer Center garden. Photo by Tara Wendell
With the goal of helping seniors prevent or manage chronic illness through good nutrition and exercise, The Bay Village Senior Center has kicked off a six-month wellness program that includes the planting of a large vegetable garden on the grounds of the senior center. All of the vegetables harvested will be given back to the seniors, and used for cooking demonstrations and tastings using this produce.
Research has shown that simple changes to diet and exercise can help seniors prevent and manage heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as other chronic conditions.
The wellness series at the Bay Village Dwyer Center includes a June 15 program on healthy eating from the National Council on Aging. Enjoy light refreshments and learn about easy ways to make your favorite foods healthier. The program begins at 10 a.m.; RSVP to 440-835-6565.
In addition, approximately 40 Bay seniors are participating in the St. John Medical Center Walking Challenge for the second year. Weekly group walks are also offered, as well as fitness programs appropriate for every level. Call the Dwyer Center at 835-6565 for more information.
Leslie Selig
Director of Community Services for Bay Village