Free motivation to take charge of your health

Take Charge of Your Health co-facilitators from Westlake Center for Community Services, Program Planner Jennifer Yoo and Director Lydia Gadd. Photo by Jodi Rodriguez

Do you find yourself losing interest in exercising and eating a healthy diet, or worse, not even willing to try? Are you frustrated by repeated attempts to change your habits, convinced that you just don’t have the willpower to carry through? You are not alone.

Most of us know what we are supposed to do to get healthier, but somehow that doesn’t translate into doing it.

What if you could tackle a few simple, manageable changes at a time? Studies show that the majority of successful healthy lifestyle changes happen after tackling your problem with minor tweaks, one at a time.

Tweaking your goal into a manageable “action plan” is one of the tools that is taught and practiced in the "Take Charge of Your Health" self-management class being offered at the Westlake Center for Community Services. This evidence-based Chronic Disease Self-Management program was developed by Stanford University and has been proven effective in helping people with chronic conditions get healthier. It has been made available due to a grant obtained by Fairhill Partners, and  will be co-facilitated by Westlake’s Community Service Department program planner, Jennifer Yoo, and yours truly, the department director.

Action plan goals are identified each week and keep everyone on track. They are not all the typical, obvious goals. For instance, one of the more popular goals in past classes has been around the idea of de-cluttering a room, or closet or drawer. While it doesn’t sound like the usual health goal, de-cluttering helps so many people feel less stressed and more in control, which in turn benefits overall health and motivates future changes. I have witnessed numerous transformations that began with this step.

So if you are in need of improving your overall health because of a chronic issue such as diabetes, arthritis, obesity, COPD, heart disease or depression for example, consider joining this class.

Classes are held each Monday beginning Sept. 11 until Oct. 16 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. Each participant receives a workbook and relaxation CD. Seating is limited so call soon. You must RSVP no later than Sept. 1. Call 899-3544 to reserve your seat. The time is NOW to take charge of your health!

For more information about this and other programs at the Westlake Center for Community Services check out our newsletter at The Westlake Center for Community Services is located at 29694 Center Ridge Road. We offer a wide variety of "Fifty Plus" programs. Drop by to say hello.

Lydia Gadd

I am the Director of the Community Services Department for the City of Westlake. I am also a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor.

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Volume 9, Issue 16, Posted 10:12 AM, 08.15.2017