Former Bay candidate explains decision

I am no longer a candidate for Bay Village City Council, but this decision wasn’t about winning the election. In fact I felt the general election was probably winnable given a little luck.  

Politics is a messy business, and I’ve seen friends who got involved battered and vilified. Worse, they weren’t able to achieve their objectives. Some tried to “go along to get along” and this approach was unsuccessful because they’d sold their political soul. I became convinced that my historically contentious relationship with City Hall would thwart my efforts, and in some cases the very fact that I was the one pushing an issue would doom the effort. I was in for a frustrating and unproductive two years.

I loved meeting and discussing issues with Ward 4 residents. Without exception they were welcoming, thoughtful and engaged and I learned a lot from them. I’m sure some of them feel I’ve let them down. For this I apologize.

One issue nobody is talking about needs attention immediately. Our fire station is 44 years old and it’s been neglected for that whole period. The Sutherland administration seemed to go out of its way to shun our firefighters, refraining from making virtually any improvements at all. The building is in need of a top to bottom renovation to make it habitable, functional and safe. I urge City Council to investigate and address this situation and suggest residents contact Chief Lyons to see for themselves. This is a safety, not a political issue.

I’ve lived in 18 places in my life, but nowhere as long as Bay. It’s my home town, and I love it. Just how I’ll stay involved I don’t know, but I’ll find something.

I wish those on City Council the best, and hope they have stronger stomachs than I do.

– Alex Dade, Bay Village

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Volume 9, Issue 19, Posted 10:12 AM, 10.03.2017