Hilliard gardens legacy

Jean Povinelli, left, and Jackie Crosier, pictured together in Jean's yard. Jean and her friend Mim Blair started the Hilliard Boulevard garden boxes; Jackie and her husband, Elmer, maintained them for 20 years. Photo by Kathy Presley
It was great to have both Jean Povinelli and Jackie Crosier in the SAME garden at the SAME time! For both of them, gardening is a labor of love.
Jackie is now part of the Westlake in Bloom judging panel and recently had the opportunity to stop and see Jean’s yard. Jean and her husband, Lou, received the third place award in the "Residential Landscaping – Entire Yard, Large" category for the Westlake in Bloom competition this year.
Jean and her dear friend and neighbor, Mim Blair (deceased), started the garden boxes on Hilliard Boulevard back in 1982.
They, along with their husbands and children, weeded and watered them. Shortly after, Jackie and Elmer Crosier took over and cared for them for 20-plus years. In time, the gardens were turned over to the City of Westlake which now beautifully maintains them.
This just goes to show you what a wonderful thing can become of two friends with a simple idea who are willing to put in time and effort into a passion … or a husband and wife so dedicated to their city gardens that they were willing to care for them over so many years.
Thank you to Jean, Mim and Jackie for the many years of beauty you have given the city of Westlake! Our city is blessed to have you.
– Kathy Presley, Westlake
Kathy Presley
Kathy Presley -Westlake resident, avid gardener