Picnic brings area veterans together
Three local veterans groups (VFW Post 9693, American Legion Post 385, and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 249) wish to thank everyone that joined us for our second annual All Veterans Picnic at the Legion Lodge on Aug. 25. In spite of a quick rain shower, it was a wonderful day and all had plenty to eat and great company to share. Various games provided some great gifts for our members and a 50/50 raffle netted a profit of $70. This will be added to our Veterans Honor Wall budget as will all future net proceeds from this event.
We continue to learn from each of these first two picnics to improve for next year. We welcome input from our local veterans as well as the organizations as to how we may improve this event. Saturday drew 34 veterans and numerous family and friends. We estimated a total of 80-plus attendees.
The $70 collected will used for a "burial flag" case of a female Bay Village WWII veteran that will be a primary centerpiece of our Honor Wall when dedicated. Dedication ceremonies will be held on Saturday, Nov. 10, at the Dwyer Center. The time has not been finalized; look for more details in the coming months.
A big thanks to Bay Village Mayor Paul Koomar for his visit between his numerous events Saturday. It was a big boost for our membership and our guests for a chance to speak to the mayor in a casual environment.
Thanks to all for the fellowship and support of our area veterans and their families.
– Fred Green, Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander