Exercise classes just for seniors

Yoga instructor Lizbeth Wolfe leads a class at the Westlake Senior & Community Center. Photo by Lydia Gadd
So how are you doing on that New Year’s resolution to get into better shape? Did you start that exercise program yet? Is it because you really don’t like to exercise? Do you know why?
For some older adults, the thought of going to a gym with people of all shapes, ages and sizes is intimidating and overwhelming. This feeling turns to hopelessness if that same person has any trouble with mobility, pain, vision or even hearing. How many times have you heard someone say, I can’t exercise because of my (fill in the blank) condition?
There is an alternative for older adults that is far more compatible, and dare I say fun? All of the West Shore area senior centers offer an array of exercise classes that are geared toward seniors; a senior-only gym, if you will.
The benefit of exercising at a senior center is that the classes are designed for older adults and have instructors trained to teach older adults. Rather than fast or pounding aerobics, the focus is on low impact exercises, balance, strength and flexibility. There usually isn’t background music to distract your ability to hear the instructor, instead, there’s social interaction, real conversation and fun.
People get to know one another, and the instructor knows and cares about you. EVERYONE can engage in some type of exercise, it’s just a matter of finding the right fit. And, if you don’t use it, you are going to lose it.
Some of the exercise offerings at the Westlake Senior & Community Services Center include: arthritis exercise, tai chi and fall prevention, embracing your balance, restorative chair yoga, PiYo (low impact pilates and yoga), Asian exercise, yoga for flexibility, therapeutic yoga and more. On Fridays, you can also add in a healing meditation class before or after. Doesn’t that sound nice?
To find out more about the fitness and exercise schedule at the Westlake Senior & Community Services Center visit www.cityofwestlake.org/157/Community-Services. You can also drop in and request a tour. We are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 29694 Center Ridge Road. Call 440-899-3544 for inquiries. Most classes have a drop in fee of $6 or less per class.
To learn more about the exercise opportunities at eight of your neighboring senior centers, visit westshoreseniors.org.
Lydia Gadd
I am the Director of the Senior and Community Services Department for the City of Westlake. I am also a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor.