Portraits of homelessness

The story of Robert Moncrief, a formerly homeless veteran, is among those in the Portraits of Homelessness exhibit. Photo by Lydia Bailey
The Portraits of Homelessness collection, featuring 15 photographs and stories of residents from the Men’s Shelter at 2100 Lakeside,will be on display at Westlake's Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in the lower lobby entry from Feb. 26 to April 12.
Lydia Bailey, volunteer coordinator at the shelter and photographer, sought to convey their gifts and vital personalities as well as the confusing, fearful and damaging elements of homelessness.
Michael Sering, Director of Housing & Shelter at Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry said, “In this show we can see a powerful microcosm of humanity and society – strength and frailty, brokenness and resilience, hope and sorrow, and indeed potential.”
The gallery can be viewed during office hours and Sunday mornings. Prince of Peace is located at 28455 Center Ridge Road. For more information, visit www.princeofpeacewestlake.org.
Susan Iceman
A Lutheran church located in Westlake.