Trump supporters' signs snatched
We all knew that this would be a contentious election but I really thought that the vandalism, censorship and lack of respect for private property that we see in the news would never be seen in my lovely Bay Village neighborhood. Trump haters have struck and I am not surprised but I am totally disheartened.
In the America in which I was raised, the first Ammedment right to free speech was honored and respected. That is no longer the case unless you are aligned with leftwing causes. I say "left" because that part of the political spectrum is no longer "liberal." The definition of "liberal," according to The New World Dictionary, 2nd Edition, is "Not restricted...tolerant of views differing from one's own, broad-minded." Webster's 5th Collegiate Dictionary defines it as "Standing up for political and civil liberties, including freedom of speech."
I often see signs with which I disagree, but I would never dream of tearing them down. This is (was) a free country. It is people who hate that do things like steal other people's signs and other people's right to express their opinions. I have genuine fears that our freedoms are being stolen right out of our own front yards.
Gay Borchert
Gay Borchert is a longtime Bay resident and former speech pathologist with the Bay Schools.