Westlake Kiwanis install new president
Oct. 1 brings in the new Kiwanis year and Westlake Kiwanis installed Kevin Walker as their president for 2020-2021 year. Doing the installation was Robert Clancy, former Division 14 Lt. Governor. Kevin takes over for outgoing President Ray Budoi.
Walker laid out his agenda for the coming Kiwanis year, hoping to connect with the local community and to continue to serve the children of Westlake. Please consider joining the Westlake Kiwanis to help serve the youth of Westlake.
Kevin, his wife and three children live in Avon. Kevin is the president and founder of Great Lakes Property and Investment in Westlake. Kevin is also the Avon High School girls tennis coach.
Kevin's theme for the coming year is "Honor the past while embracing the future."
Victor Rutkoski
I am a member of the Westlake Kiwanis and and advisor for the Westlake Kiwanis Aktion Club. The Aktion Club is sponsored by the Kiwanis the same as a Key, Builders and Circle K Clubs. Aktion Club is for adults with disabilities 18 years of age and up. The new President of the Westlake Kiwanis asked me handle publicity for the Kiwanis and Aktion Clubs.I am a retired Manager of Expenditures for the CSX Corp. I moved to Cleveland's exteme Westside 10 years ago from Freeport, PA a town about 30 miles northeast east of Pittsburgh where I had lived all my life. Work related issues brought my family to Cleveland.