Westlake Knights receive top honors in the state
St. Ladislas Knights of Columbus Council 16373 received multiple recognitions at Ohio’s Knights of Columbus and Supreme Convention earlier this year, among them the No. 1 ranking of Ohio’s Knights of Columbus councils.
"These awards are the result of a growing group of men who are truly putting their faith in action,” says Bud Tetzlaff, Council 16373 financial secretary. "In only our fifth year, and one of the smallest councils in Ohio, to earn Five Star Council and Number One in the State of Ohio is very, very special. Five Star Council was earned by less than 1% of over 17,000 councils worldwide."
The St. Lads Knights of Columbus garnered multiple awards of recognition:
- Cleveland Diocese Recognized Youth of the Year
- State of Ohio Gold Award
- State of Ohio Division 4, Best Community Program Activity: Teenage Family Assistance
- State of Ohio Best Life Program Activity: Matthew's Lending Library
- State of Ohio Division 4, 1st Place Overall Council
State of Ohio Statewide 1st Place Overall Council - Five Star Council – Supreme’s highest award for programs, membership & charitable giving
From the moment of their founding in 1882, charity has been the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. They are Catholic men of faith and men of charitable action. Money raised from their events go directly from the Knights to the numerous charities such as Alzheimer’s Association, Special Olympics, The Blessing House, Womankind, Faith House, Youth Challenge, Matthew’s Lending Library, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and the City of Children Orphanage.
Pete Canepa
Advertising creative specializing in TV, Radio & visual communication technology. Knight Of Columbus. Westlake resident father of 3.