St. Paul Westlake celebrates Pastor Appreciation Month
Churches across the nation have set aside the month of October to acknowledge the essential work of the pastor in the local congregation.
At St. Paul Westlake, “We Love Our Pastors” is the theme for the celebration that took place at weekend worship Oct. 17-18. While the usual cakes and cookies were not part of the event because of COVID safeguards, the 162-year-old Lutheran congregation on Detroit Road in Westlake showed their gratitude with cards, letters and gifts during the four services and drive-up communion.
Pastor Jeff Smith and his wife, Melissa, have served since 2015 when they arrived fresh from the seminary. They were joined this year by new Pastor Josh Gremminger and wife, Anna. The enthusiastic ministry of these young men has merged with the experience of veteran Pastor David Buegler and his wife, Sue, to create a vibrant congregation serving 2,500 souls with good Biblical teaching, traditional and contemporary worship options and personal ministry to all generations.
The congregation also provides outstanding education to students in its preschool 3-year-old through eighth-grade program. Accredited by the National Lutheran Schools Association (NLSA), St. Paul Westlake School is consistently recognized by NLSA as an “exemplary” school – distinguishing it as one of the finest Lutheran schools in the country. Under the direction of Principal Jeremy Louden, St. Paul supports almost 200 students in achieving spiritual growth and academic excellence.
At a time of isolation and division in our nation it is paramount to keep community and our pastors have gone the extra mile to keep us connected, purposeful and comforted. They are our essential workers!
If you are feeling the need for community, St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, located at 27993 Detroit Road is a great place to find yourself! For more information contact the church at 440 835-3050, livestream worship on Facebook at Stpaulwestlake or the church webpage,