A selfless act of kindness
Bay family packs blessings in a bag
The Wander family of Bay Village came up with a creative way to bless those less fortunate during this pandemic and economic downturn. They started collecting and utilizing old backpacks and filling them with mittens and everything nice to comfort the less fortunate on our cold Cleveland nights!
Kristen and her daughter Emily, along with their faithful dog Bodhi, pack them each weekend so that Kristen can distribute them to the homeless people she encounters on her lunch hour when working downtown.
If you'd like to donate to those in need, the Bay Village Police Department has a designated drop box in the lobby that continuously fills up with donations. The box will remain there to collect gloves, hats, socks, healthy foods and hygiene items. Please remember this designated drop off box for the items above. Most importantly, know the compassion of donating will go well beyond the holiday season.
Nancy Brown
Nancy Brown
Owner, Hot Diggity Dog, Inc.
Blog writer for Ohio Pet Expert
Advocate for lost, stolen and injured pets