Raising a lady
Before writing a "how to raise a lady" article, it's essential to take a step back and identify a key individual to the process. This person is crucial and rarely receives any acknowledgment for his role. He's called the dad!
We grew up for most of our lives without our biological dad (our dad passed away); however, we had a good man who filled the role and eventually became our official stepdad.
The dad is the person who shows a girl how to be treated like a lady. He protects her and helps her, and makes her feel safe. He also makes it known verbally and non-verbally what is acceptable. The dad builds confidence and makes a girl feel worth being respected.
He also demonstrated what is expect by how he treats his wife. Often, a girl will emulate her parents' relationship with her marriage because it's what she knows to be normal.
The dad is also a key influencer when it comes to self-esteem, confidence and tolerance. When a dad compliments a girl or explains why things are done a certain way, it builds inner strength and self-assurance. Now a young lady in training has choices to make and decisions to think about. What kind of a person does she want to be, and how does she want to be treated? What should she tolerate and expect to be respected?
An old cliché says a young man will treat his wife the way he treats his mother. The cliché also works for young ladies. A lady will allow a man to treat her as her father (or father figure) has treated her. Not only will she allow it, but she will also expect it. For this reason, the dad is vital when it comes to raising a good, strong, confident lady.
Colleen Harding
President of The Cleveland School of Etiquette and Corporate Protocol. I am a member St Raphael Women's Guild, Friends of the Westside Catholic Center and The Avon Oaks Women's Golf Association.
I live in Bay Village with my husband and 3 children.