Westlake Senior Transportation Team recognized for ‘steadfast, reliable’ service

Senior and Community Services Director Lydia Gadd gives a thumbs up in front of a "Thank You" sign placed in the front yard of Senior Transportation Team member Pat McNamara.
Westlake Mayor Dennis Clough recognized the Senior and Community Services Department’s Senior Transportation Team on Friday, Dec. 11, for continuing to provide "steadfast, reliable" service throughout the Covid-19 situation.
The 10-driver team has taken great care to ensure the safest environment possible for senior residents who rely on the transportation services these drivers provide to get to their essential medical appointments and receive critical supplies.
The friendly conversation and sense of connection these employees offer homebound seniors goes a long way to help combat social isolation. In addition to transportation services, the team has been making friendly phone calls to seniors and delivering food and supplies.
Mayor Clough was pleased to recognize the valuable contributions the drivers have made toward the cause of ensuring that senior residents are well taken care of.
“I extend gratitude to the members of this team for their professionalism, dedication to service, positive attitude and kindness to the members of the public,” Mayor Clough said in an official Proclamation dedicated to the Senior Transportation Team. “Congratulations on your success and let me assure you that Westlake residents appreciate you. I am proud to have such a great group of dedicated employees.”
The mayor proclaimed that Friday, Dec. 11, 2020, would be named in honor of the Senior Transportation Team.
Other staffers from the Senior and Community Services Department placed signs in the drivers' front yards saying "Thank You! Super Hero Driver" as a bonus surprise for their colleagues to find waiting for them.
The team consists of the following members: Dan DeVito, Pat McNamara, Outreach Coordinator Donna Feorene, Nancy Fox, Peggy Marquard, Bob Kowal, Mary Rabatsky, Tom Weaver, Joe Starin, John Price and Marty Kelly.
Robert Rozboril
I handle Public Relations matters and website content for the City of Westlake.