I was asked if I had made any New Year’s resolutions for the year 2021. In my 89 years, I have made quite a few, kept many, and discarded some.
In 2020, COVID-19 changed our lives and our habits. This year we need more than resolutions – we need a miracle. We need faith in ourselves, faith in the science of medicine, and faith in our country.
We need to think of ways to help others. So often a friend or acquaintance seems to be discouraged. They would benefit by a kind word and a cheerful smile.
Look around. There are many who need your help. Most churches collect warm gloves, mittens, hats and scarves for the needy. If you are able, pick up those knitting needles and some bright yarn and start a scarf.
Donate items you no longer need. Instead of sending presents to people who have too many of the worldly goods, consider making a donation to the Food Bank in their names.
While you are helping others, do not forget yourselves! Stay positive. Stay active, both mentally and physically. Above all, thank God you live in the U.S.A.