Westlake distributes food, gifts to dozens of families for the holidays

The Kiwanis Club of Westlake donned yellow vests as they pitched in to help load up vehicles for the distribution effort outside the Senior and Community Services Center, alongside city employees and other volunteers from the community.
Many Westlake families had a happy holiday season thanks to several members of the Westlake Fire Department who helped deliver bags of presents and food baskets to their doorsteps in December.
More than 80 families received gift bags as part of our Adopt A Family/Adult Program, helping to put smiles on nearly 300 faces. Dozens of prepacked food baskets were distributed as well – a welcome sight to many in need of some help to get through the holidays.
The Kiwanis Club of Westlake donned yellow vests as they pitched in to help load up vehicles for the distribution effort outside the Senior and Community Services Center, alongside city employees and other volunteers from the community.
The City of Westlake is ever-grateful for the generosity shown by the almost 90 donors who made the city’s holiday distribution efforts possible.
Robert Rozboril
I handle Public Relations matters and website content for the City of Westlake.