Top 20 gifts under $20 for assisted living residents
Now that our beloved elderly are being vaccinated, according to my dear friend, Dr. Charleen Jaeb, resident of Generations Senior Living of Strongsville, they would love a visit!
Charleen and I met in college as “non-traditional” students many moons ago. Charleen continued her education, completing both an MBA and law degree to pursue her career as a college professor at various colleges in Cleveland. Charleen received multiple awards throughout her career. Most recently she won the Women’s Club “Woman of the Year” in Middleburg Heights.
Upon retirement from teaching, she accepted the position of Bus Tour Guide for Lake Front Bus Lines, where she wrote articles for the Bus Tours Magazine. Her favorite articles were “20 Tips for Bus Tour Planners.”
Now as a resident of an assisted living facility, Charleen continues to be motivated to share her words of wisdom for the good of others. As Charleen and I were enjoying a phone conversation, she started to share her joy regarding some of the gifts she received from visitors. Our conversation led to brainstorming one of her “Top 20 lists” that she wished to have shared with Observer readers. May it inspire you to visit an assisted living resident and brighten their day with a little gift suggestion below:
- Small vase with flowers from your garden
- Body spray or perfume
- Room air freshener
- Lipstick
- Candy for a candy dish
- Slippers
- Scented body wash
- Greeting cards
- Decoration/wreath for door
- Machine washable clothes
- Fuzzy blanket
- Crocs
- Tablecloths
- Photos/photo album
- Envelopes and stamps
- Stuffed animal
- Masks
- Playing card holders
- College shirt/ball cap from grandkids
- Homemade dessert (cookies, brownies)
Charleen added, “Anything that lets them know they are remembered. It’s the little things that make a big difference.” Charleen stated how much she and her fellow residents truly appreciate people’s kindness.
She ended our conversation with one last gift idea. “The most important thing you can give someone in assisted living, and it’s free, is a phone call or a visit.”
diane rehor
Resident of Bay Village since 1987.