Westlake Porter Public Library's late April calendar of events
Following is Westlake Porter Public Library’s late April 2021 calendar of events. All programs are subject to change. Please check westlakelibrary.org or follow the library on Facebook and Twitter (@WestlakePorter) for the latest updates.
Monday, April 19 (9 a.m.) to Sunday, April 25 (5 p.m.) Earth Day Celebration Bag – Celebrate Earth Day with earth-friendly crafts and activities! Please register.
Wednesdays, April 21 and 28 and May 5 (2-3:30 p.m.) Learn American Sign Language Basic Sign Language for Beginners and Beyond (Live) – In this beginner to intermediate class, students will learn how to meet and greet people, basic gestures, fingerspelling and he basics of communicating with the deaf. The instructor is Valerie Williams. Ages 10 and up are welcome. Please register and provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions. For the class to be interactive, we recommend you have a working microphone and webcam.
Wednesday, April 21 (2-3 p.m.) Wednesday Afternoon Book Discussion (Live) – The Wednesday book discussion takes place on the THIRD Wednesday of the month. This month’s book is "The Golden Hour" by Beatriz Williams. A limited number of books are available at the Circulation Desk. The discussion will be held via Zoom. Please register and provide an email to receive Zoom instructions.
Thursdays, April 22 and 29 (3:30-4:30 p.m.) WPPL Roblox Club – Love Roblox? We have some private servers set up for Tweens in grades 4-6 to hang out with their friends and enjoy some of the most popular games via Zoom. Please register.
Thursday, April 22 (7-7:45 p.m.) Aging Spine Talk (Live) – Join us on Zoom for a discussion on the aging spine by Dr. Michael Kelly from MetroHealth. Please register. You must provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.
Saturday, April 24 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Mystery STEAM Bag Challenge Supply Pick-Up and Program – Pick up your bag of mystery craft materials and a challenge card. Use these materials to complete the design challenge. Share your designs with us on Zoom at 11 a.m. on May 1. Grades 1-2. Registering for the pick-up also registers you for the design sharing program. Please provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.
Saturday, April 24 (10:30 a.m.-noon) Medicare Ins and Outs (Live) – Attend a presentation by Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP) volunteer counselor Jim Langan to learn the “ins and outs” of Medicare. He’ll discuss your Medicare coverage options, Medicare benefits Part A, Part B, supplemental insurance policies, prescription drug coverage, and Medicare Advantage plans. OSHIIP is a free service through the Ohio Department of Insurance. Please register. Once registered you will receive an email containing instructions for joining us via Zoom.
Saturday, April 24 (11-11:30 a.m.) Pokemon Fun (Live) – Join Miss Rachel for a Pokemon Zoom meeting! We will play a guess-that-Pokemon game and have time for show and tell. Feel free to bring a favorite Pokemon card or toy for show and tell! Please register. Participants must provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.
Monday, April 26 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Kinder Club Packet Pick-Up – Pick up your packet at the Youth Services Desk on or after April 26. Each bag will contain multiple early literacy concepts that will be featured weekly on our Kinder Club Blog. Ages 4-6. Please register. Kits may be picked up through 5 p.m. on May 2.
Monday, April 26 (7-8:30 p.m.) Maker Monday: The Future of Tech Today (Live) – Join Holly Klingler from NEO-RLS on Zoom as she discusses current tech trends, followed by a Q & A. Learn about and see the coolest new tech trends and gadgets that are available to you today. Explore devices that can put a doctor in your pocket, learn about a coding robot with personality, find out about a video game for kids that comes to life in seconds just from their drawings, view a first-person action camera that is no bigger than a stick of gum, and much more. Please register. You must provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.
Tuesday, April 27 (11-11:30 a.m.) and Wednesday, April 28 (6:30-7 p.m.) Family Storytime (Live) – Join us on Zoom for an interactive storytime featuring books, rhymes, songs and movement. For families with children up to 2-6, siblings welcome. Please register. Participants must provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.
Tuesday, April 27 (2-3:30 p.m.) Adult Community Basic Cooking: Cooking with the Doctor (Live) – Join us on Zoom for an interactive cooking program with Dr. Malicdem from Neighborhood Health and Weight Medical. She’ll show us how to prepare a healthy meal at home from her medical teaching kitchen while participants cook along in their own kitchens. Be prepared to show off your cooking to others and ask questions during the class. Please register. Participants will be emailed a recipe and ingredient list the week before the class.
Tuesday, April 27 (7-8:30 p.m.) Titanic and the End of the Edwardian Period (Live) – Mandy Altimus Stahl will discuss the Titanic from concept to completion, its sinking, and stories of the passengers. Please register and provide an email to receive Zoom instructions.
Wednesday, April 28 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Learning to Cube Supply Pick-Up and Program! – Have you always wanted to solve the Rubik’s Cube? Pick up your Learning to Cube supplies at the Youth Services desk then join us on Zoom from 6-7 p.m. on May 5 to learn the basics of cubing. Ages 9-13. You will need a cube to participate in the program. Registration for the kit also registers you for the program. Participants must provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.
Wednesday, April 28 (4-5 p.m.) Teen Writers Group (Live) – An online Zoom meet-up for writers in grades 7-12. This is a dedicated hour to just write. We’ll save the last 15 minutes for any writer in need of some group brainstorming. Registration begins April 21. Participants must provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.
Wednesday, April 28 (8-9 p.m.) Discovery Box for Teens Sign-Up – A personalized subscription box services for teens in grades 7-12. Each box will include a book, a paper craft, a mystery snack and a few other surprises! After signing up you’ll receive a survey to help us personalize your box to your taste. Registration begins April 21. Pick up takes place May 5-7.
Thursday, April 29 (noon-12:45 p.m.) Nutrition Talk: MetroHealth (Live) – Join us on Zoom for an illuminating discussion of health and nutrition by Jennifer Beir from the Nutrition Department of MetroHealth. Please register. Participants must provide an email address to receive Zoom information.
To register for any of the programs, please visit westlakelibrary.org/events.
Elaine Willis
Elaine Willis is the Public Relations Associate at Westlake Porter Public Library.