Early July events at Westlake Porter Public Library

Following is Westlake Porter Public Library’s early July 2021 calendar of events. All programs are subject to change. Please check westlakelibrary.org or follow the library on Facebook and Twitter (@WestlakePorter) for the latest updates.

Wednesdays, July 7 and 21 (4-5 p.m.) Summer Teen Writers Workshop (Live) – Join fellow Teen writers (grades 7-12) this summer as we create an anthology of short stories. You pick the genre, characters, time period – everything. During each session we’ll reveal a new writing challenge to work into your story. Come with an idea and by the end, you’ll leave with a fantastic short story. Registration begins one week before each session. Participants must provide an email address to receive Zoom information.

Wednesday, July 7 (6:30-8:30 p.m.) Horror Film Club: Online Edition – New members are always welcome, but children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Please register. The Horror Film Club will continue to meet online using the video sharing site Watch2Gether. To participate, check the event on the library’s website as early as 6 p.m. on the day of the program. There will be a link to take you to the site. You do not need an account with Watch2Gether to participate.

Thursdays, July 8 and 15 (1-1:30 p.m.) Family Storytime (Live) – Join us on Zoom for an interactive storytime featuring books, rhymes, songs and movement. For families with children ages 2-6. Siblings welcome. Registration begins one week before each session. Participants must provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.

Thursdays, July 8 and 22 (3:30-4:30 p.m.) Roblox Arcade (Live) – We have some private servers set up for Tweens in grades 4-6 to hang out with their friends and enjoy some of the most popular games via Zoom. Please register.

Fridays, July 9 and 23 (9-9:30 a.m.) Yoga with Ms. Jen! – Calm your body, mind, and spirit in this yoga class taught by Ms. Jen, certified yoga instructor! Dress for the weather and bring your own mat/towel and water bottle as we will be in-person OUTSIDE weather permitting. Up to grade 1. If we cannot meet in-person, we will meet on Zoom. Staff will make every effort to notify you in a timely manner if that’s the case. Zoom invites will be sent to all registered attendees only if we will not be meeting in person. Registration begins one week before each session. Please register every person that will be attending, including children and adults. Caregivers must stay with their child(ren) during the programs. Masks are required for anyone ages 2 and up.

Friday, July 9 (4-4:30 p.m.) Mystery STEAM Bag Challenge – Join us in the Reading Garden and use provided materials to complete the design challenge then share your design! Grades 1-2. Please register every person that will be attending, including children and adults. Caregivers must stay with their child(ren). This program is weather permitting. Staff will make every effort to notify you in a timely manner if we cannot meet in person.

Saturday, July 10 (4-5 p.m.) STEAM Maker Lab: Bubble Science – Learn more about solar energy. Kits available in the Youth Services Department. Grades 3-5. Please register.

Saturday, July 10 (9-11 p.m.) Movie Under the Stars – Enjoy a feature length newly released DVD or favorite family classic. Contact the library for the title. We will be outside, socially-distanced in our field enjoying an evening under the stars. Movies will begin at dusk so feel free to bring lawn chairs or blankets for chilly evenings. (Snacks are okay to bring, however masks must be worn anytime you are not actively eating.) Building restrooms will be accessible. Please register every person that will be attending including children and adults. Caregivers must stay with their child(ren) during the program. Masks are required for anyone ages 2 and up.

Sunday, July 11 (2-3 p.m.) American Girl Doll Club: Picnic Fun! – Join us for some American Girl Doll Club fun! Ages 6-10. This program is in-person weather permitting. If we cannot meet in-person, we will meet on Zoom. A decision about weather will be made 24 hours in advance to allow time for you to pick up supplies. There is no supply pick up if we meet in person. Zoom invites will be sent to all registered attendees only if we will not be meeting in person. Masks are required for anyone ages 2 and up. Ages 6-10. Please register.

Monday, July 12 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Summer Bug Mania Sensory Kit – Pick up a bug mania kit and experience the amazing world of backyard bugs! Preschool-Grade 4. Sensory Kits will be available for pick up until 5 p.m. on Sunday, July 25, unless other arrangements are made. Please register.

Tuesday, July 13 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Build Your Own Board Game Supply Pick-Up and Program (Live) – Register to pick up a kit and then join us for a Zoom program on July 20 to show off your creation, see what everyone else created, and we’ll also do some board game trivia. Grades 7-12. You will need a kit to participate in the program. Please register. Registering for the kit also registers you for the program. Participants must provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.

Tuesday, July 13 (11-11:30 a.m.) and Wednesdays, July 14 and 28 (7-7:30 p.m.) Family Storytime – Join us in person, weather permitting, for an interactive storytime featuring books, rhymes, songs and movement. For families with children up to 2-6, siblings welcome. Staff will make every effort to notify you in a timely manner if we cannot meet in-person. In that case we will meet on Zoom. Zoom invites will be sent to all registered attendees only if we will not be meeting in person. Registration begins one week before each session. Please register every person that will be attending including children and adults. Caregivers must stay with their child(ren) during programming. Masks are required for anyone ages 2 and up. 

Tuesday, July 13 (1-3 p.m.) Career Transition: Planning and Managing Time During Job Search (Live) – Going in circles trying to find a new position or change your career? What is your plan? Most job seekers do not spend time efficiently to get the best outcome for their time invested. Learning how to plan your work and work your plan might get you to the next step quicker. Try the ABC method of ranking priorities to overcome obstacles to success! Please register to receive an email containing instructions for joining us via Zoom. 

Tuesday, July 13 (7-8:30 p.m.) Tuesday Evening Book Discussion (Live) – Join the WPPL Tuesday Evening Book Club IN PERSON outdoors for a discussion of "How to Cook Everything Summer" by Mark Bittman. Please register. In the event of rain you will receive a Zoom invitation and instructions.

Wednesday, July 14 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) WPPL Annual Egg Drop Kit Pick-Up and Program (Live) – Celebrate engineering during STEAM Week with your design for the annual egg drop! Pick up your egg drop kit (minus the raw egg) at the Youth Services Desk, return your egg drop contraptions and join us on Facebook or YouTube for the official egg drop on July 22 from 11-11:30 a.m. This program is for children entering grades K-6 in the Fall. Registration begins July 14. Please return your egg contraptions by 4:30 p.m. on July 18.

Thursday, July 15 (2-2:30 p.m.) Outdoor Summer Fun: Rock Painting! – Join us in front of the library to paint rocks. Paint one for our Reading Garden and one to take home! Ages 4-8. This program is weather permitting. If we cannot meet in-person, we will notify participants of a makeup date. A decision about weather will be made 24 hours in advance. At this time, caregivers must stay with their child(ren) during programs. Masks are required for anyone ages 2 and up. Registration begins July 8.

Friday, July 16 (10 a.m.-noon) Nonprofit Community Hours – Do you have questions about nonprofit management and fundraising? Schedule a one-on-one, 15-minute virtual reference session with WPPL’s Candid FIN Manager, Natalie, to discuss the needs of your 501(c)(3) organization and the various resources available to you.

Saturday, July 17 (9-9 p.m.) Jewelry Junction: Seneca Bracelet Pick-Up Kit – Make a Leather Beaded Seneca Bracelet using wide holed beads and leather cord. Directions available on YouTube at bit.ly/3esq4kP. Registration begins July 10.

To register for any of the programs, please visit westlakelibrary.org/events.

Elaine Willis

Elaine Willis is the Public Relations Associate at Westlake Porter Public Library.

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Volume 13, Issue 13, Posted 10:32 AM, 07.06.2021