Bay United Methodist welcomes minister of education

Rev. Lauren Clawson is Bay United Methodist Church's new Minister of Education for Children and Youth.

Rev. Lauren Clawson joined Bay United Methodist Church on July 1 as their Minister of Education for Children and Youth. Previously serving as Minister of Discipleship at Gay Street Church in Mount Vernon, Ohio, Rev. Lauren is an ordained Deacon in the United Methodist Church and holds a master’s degree in Christian Education. Her experience includes 21 years of leading children and youth in churches in North Carolina, Georgia, and Colorado.

Rev. Lauren’s arrival brings new energy to BUMC’s children and youth ministry. She will develop Sunday School programs for children from pre-K to 6th grade, coordinate 7th and 8th grade confirmation curriculum, and serve as director for high school youth programs.

“Developing education plans for kids and youth are important, but they are just the nuts and bolts of a ministry,” Rev. Lauren states. “The real heart of a ministry is relationships. I want to encourage and generate excitement about church relationships for our kids.”

One of Rev. Lauren’s goals is to change the way the congregation interacts with young people. She plans to incorporate youth as ushers and lay readers in Sunday services throughout the year, allowing them to create relationships with the adult congregation as they witness adults model worship though prayer, song, and liturgy.

Rev. Lauren joins senior pastor, Rev. Jonathan McCleery, who had this to say about her arrival: “We’re pleased that Rev. Clawson is joining Bay United Methodist. We see her having great success. Her gifts are most welcome, and her enthusiasm is contagious. She’ll be a blessing to the congregation’s children.”

Several informal get-togethers have already taken place or are being planned this summer for Rev. Lauren to get to know BUMC’s kids and youth. Regular Sunday School begins on Sunday, Sept. 12. Young children join their parents in worship through Children’s Time when they are escorted to their Sunday School classes. Parents can pick up their children after the church service.  Sunday morning small groups for youth, 7th grade and up, also take place at this time. For more information, visit

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Volume 13, Issue 15, Posted 9:57 AM, 08.03.2021