Join Porter Library for '5 Days For Democracy'

Westlake Porter Public Library invites local residents to take just a little bit of time each day from Sept. 20-24 to participate in "Five Days for Democracy." Residents will be encouraged to think about what democracy means to them and join neighbors in tackling fun daily challenges to help learn more about government in their own backyard.

This year the effort will focus on how all politics is local: what does local government look like, who represents us, and how we can impact city hall. Each day will focus on one specific topic, including:

  • Who represents me?
  • What’s on my ballot?
  • Why does voting matter?
  • How does it work?
  • How can I do more?

"5 Days for Democracy" is a collaboration between the Cleveland City Club and the nine public library systems in Cuyahoga County, including Westlake Porter Public Library. This is the second year of the effort.

To participate and for more information visit

Elaine Willis

Elaine Willis is the Public Relations Associate at Westlake Porter Public Library.

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Volume 13, Issue 17, Posted 10:43 AM, 09.08.2021