Community West Foundation announces quarterly grants

Benjamin Jurek, Education Program Manager; Erin Huber, Founder & Executive Director, Drink Local, Drink Tap & Marty Uhle, President & CEO, Community West Foundation
The Community West Foundation Board of Directors approved $627,500 in third-quarter grants to nonprofit agencies that provide basic needs services to the community in Cleveland, Western Cuyahoga and Lorain counties. The recipient organizations include:
- Ursuline Piazza - $10,000
- Building Hope in the City - $60,000
- CHN Housing - 15,000
- Community Service Alliance - $65,000
- Cornerstone of Hope - $25,000
- Denison Avenue U.C.C. - $25,000
- Drink Local, Drink Tap* - $17,500
- El Centro de Servicios Sociales* - $30,000
- Enterprise Community Partners* - $25,000
- Frontline Services* - $40,000
- Joseph’s Home - $35,000
- Koinonia - $25,000
- Malachi Center - $20,000
- MHAC (Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition) - $45,000
- NAMI Greater Cleveland - $40,000
- NEOCH (Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless) - $70,000
- Oberlin Community Services - $20,000
- The City Club of Cleveland* - $25,000
- The Edna House for Women - $35,000
*The five with asterisks are new grantees for Community West Foundation.
Drink Local, Drink Tap’s mission is to improve water equity through projects, programming and partnerships because they believe clean water is a human right. hey partner with Cleveland Metropolitan School District to educate students and teachers on many issues including the pollution problem in the Great Lakes. They offer engagements for the schools including beach clean-ups and teacher trainings.
Enterprise Community Partners Ohio is working to close the gap between the formerly incarcerated and affordable housing by forming a pipeline of new housing units connected to services. They are the housing partner for the Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry and partner with many Cleveland-based agencies including Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, Legal Aid and Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority. Their mission is to make home and community places or pride, power and belonging, and platforms for resilience and upward mobility for all.
Community West Foundation is on track to grant $2.7 million in 2021. For more information on grantee agencies, visit:
Maria Estes
Community West Foundation, Marketing & Communications Director