Westlake Porter Public Library's late October calendar of events
Following is Westlake Porter Public Library’s late October calendar of events. All programs are subject to change. Check westlakelibrary.org or follow the library on Facebook and Twitter (@WestlakePorter) for the latest updates.
Wednesday, Oct. 20 (10 a.m.-noon) Combating Food Insecurity: Fundraising for Nonprofits (Live) – In collaboration with Candid we’ll explore fundraising and programmatic efforts to reduce food insecurity and hunger in Northeast Ohio. Join local nonprofit leaders for a conversation about how their organizations are working to improve access to healthy food in the communities they serve. Panelists will also discuss the challenges and successes of managing and funding their programs and services during the pandemic. Please register. Zoom instructions will be sent by email.
Wednesday, Oct. 20 (2-3 p.m.) Wednesday Book Discussion – This month’s title is "The Doll Factory" by Elizabeth Macneal. A limited number of books are available at the Circulation Desk. Please register.
Wednesday, Oct. 20 (4-5 p.m.) Fall Teen Writers Workshop (Live) – A twice-a-month meet up for writers in grades 7-12. We’ll be prepping for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November. Hit the ground running by getting organized and brainstorming within a supportive group of young writers. We’ll also share tips and tricks to maintaining a productive writing environment. Please register. Participants must provide an email address to receive Zoom instructions.
Wednesday, Oct. 20 (8-9 p.m.) Discovery Box Survey Sign-Up – Teens in grades 7-12: You’ll receive a survey to fill out, and we’ll use your responses to create a custom Discovery Box! Register Oct. 20-27. Pick up your box on Nov. 3 between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 21 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) to Sunday, Oct. 24 (1-5 p.m.) Send Your Friend to a Sleepover Party! – Drop off your favorite stuffed friend or doll for a library sleepover! We will show your stuffed animal what a sleepover is all about. Then you can take them with you when you need some confidence! Stuffed friends can be dropped off at the Youth Services desk during library hours on Oct. 21 and picked up on on Oct. 24. Ages 3-7. Please register.
Thursday, Oct. 21 (10-11:30 a.m.) Excel 1: Introduction – Practice entering and formatting text and numbers within cells. Insert, delete, and modify columns and rows. Begin working with basic formulas. Class is in person. Capacity is limited. Software version is Excel 2019.
Thursday, Oct. 21 (4-4:45 p.m.) Ready, Set, Kindergarten! – Children ages 4 and 5 are invited to rotate through skill stations in preparation for making the leap into Kindergarten. Please register.
Fridays, Oct. 22 and 29 (9:30-10 a.m.) Yoga with Miss Jen! – Calm your body, mind and spirit in this yoga class taught by Miss Jen, certified yoga instructor! Wear comfy clothes and bring your own mat or towel. Ages 2-6. Registration begins one week before each session.
Friday, Oct. 22 (4-4:45 p.m.) Fun Science Friday: Creepy Critters – Let’s explore some creepy critters like spiders and bats. Discoveries will be made through hands-on experiments, active participation, and a simple take-home project. Ages 4-6, through kindergarten. Please register.
Saturday, Oct. 23 (11-11:30 a.m.) Adapted Storytime – Join us for this storytime designed for children who may not be successful in a typical storytime. Content is geared toward ages 3-7 years. Please register.
Monday, Oct. 25 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Crafty Adults Supply Pick-Up – Make a craft project with this simple pick-up kit. For adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities. No previous craft experience necessary. Glue, scissors and markers will not be included. All other materials are supplied. Please register and pick up in the youth services area.
Monday, Oct. 25 (6-7 p.m.) or Saturday, Oct. 30 (2-3 p.m. or 4-5 p.m.) Westlake PTA Reflections Creation Session – Work on your Reflections Art Competition piece during this session! Art supplies will be available. Grades K-12. Please register.
Tuesday, Oct. 26 (4-4:45 p.m.) Porter Pumpkin Patch – We will listen to a story and spend some time decorating pumpkins together. For children with special needs. Ages 3-7. Please register.
Wednesday, Oct. 27 (6:30-10 p.m.) Indoor Movie Night – Join us for a family-friendly movie! Call for the title. Please register.
Wednesday, Oct. 27 (7-8 p.m.) Adult Creative Writing Group – Join us in person for an hour of creative writing prompts to inspire you to start and keep writing. This meeting will include exercises inspired by autumn. Registration begins Oct. 20. Please provide an email address when registering.
Thursday, Oct. 28 (noon-1 p.m.) Osteoporosis (Live) – Join us on Zoom for a presentation by Dr. Maria Antonelli from MetroHealth. Registration with a valid email address is required.
Thursday, Oct. 28 (3-4 p.m.) Diabetes (Live) – Join us on Zoom for a presentation by Dr. Jorge Calles from MetroHealth. Registration with a valid email address is required.
Thursday, Oct. 28 (3:30-4:30 p.m.) Roblox Arcade (Live) – Join us in the Roblox Arcade! We have some private servers set up for Tweens in grades 4-6 to hang out with their friends and enjoy some of the most popular games via Zoom. Please register.
Thursday, Oct. 28 (6:30-7:30 p.m.) Chair Yoga – Join certified yoga instructor Jen Nebraska for a session of chair yoga. Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga done sitting and still gaining the benefits that yoga has to offer such as: increased flexibility, mood booster, strength enhancement and stress reduction. The class also incorporates breathing techniques and mindful meditation. It is a great way to exercise your mind and body. Masks are required. Please register.
Saturday, Oct. 30 (4-5:15 p.m.) STEAM Maker Lab: Insight from Mars – Mars Base Camp 4-H Stem Challenge: Introductory coding activity with Scratch. Grades 3-5. Registration begins Oct. 23.
To register for any of the programs, please visit westlakelibrary.org/events.
Elaine Willis
Elaine Willis is the Public Relations Associate at Westlake Porter Public Library.