Bay Village Historical Society helps with sale of items

Kristin DuPrey, left, of the Sabrina Noelle Foundation shows some of the hand-made items now available at the Rose Hill Museum gift shop to Bay Village Historical Society President Cathy Flament.
The Bay Village Historical Society has partnered with the Sabrina Noelle Foundation to offer their hand-made items at the Rose Hill Museum gift shop.
The Sabrina Noelle Foundation’s mission is to promote and provide activities which aim to address mental well-being for young adults and teens. They will be selling hand-made jewelry and crafts made by friends of Sabrina. Proceeds go to the Sabrina Noelle Scholarship Fund and to the designers.
Items for sale include: earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and-knitted caps, hand-knitted wash clothes, hand-made hair scrunchies, soaps, decorative beads, sand dollar ornaments, and Pura Vida lotus charm bracelets.
More information can be found on Rose Hill is open Sundays, 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. All proceeds benefit the foundation.