Porter Library receives 5 stars in Library Journal's annual index
Westlake Porter Public Library has been named a 5-Star Library by Library Journal magazine in its annual Star Libraries index, up from its 4-Stars in 2020. Libraries are eligible for up to five stars. The index used 2019 statistics on physical circulation, circulation of electronic materials, library visits, program attendance, public computer use and WiFi sessions. Successful retrievals of electronic information, which measures use of electronic resources such as databases other than by title checkout, is also included.
The index is compiled by budget category so that libraries of approximately the same size and budget are compared to each other. Westlake Porter Public Library received its Star rating in the $5-9.9 million category.
“We are thrilled to be a 5-Star Library,” said Library Director Andrew Mangels. “But since the statistics used in the index are about public use of their library this is as much an honor to the people of Westlake as it is to our hardworking staff.”
Seven of Cuyahoga County’s nine library systems achieved Star Library status. Nationwide, Ohio is home to the second largest number of Star Libraries – 26 – trailing only New York.
For more information about the index, visit westlakelibrary.org or libraryjournal.com.
Elaine Willis
Elaine Willis is the Public Relations Associate at Westlake Porter Public Library.