Westlake Police give longtime maintenance technician touching send-off
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Westlake Mayor Dennis Clough thanks Karoly "Chuck" Petrik for his 21 years of service to the Westlake Police Department.
Karoly "Chuck" Petrik surrounded by his family and colleagues during his retirement ceremony at the Westlake Police Station.
Westlake Mayor Dennis Clough, Karoly "Chuck" Petrik and Police Chief Kevin Bielozer pose for a photo during Petrik's retirement ceremony at the Westlake Police Station.
Westlake Mayor Dennis Clough shakes hands with Karoly "Chuck" Petrik.
Westlake Mayor Dennis Clough presents a plaque to Karoly "Chuck" Petrik.
Westlake Mayor Dennis Clough presents an official Proclamation to Karoly "Chuck" Petrik naming Nov. 30, 2021 in his honor.