Wrapping Up 2021
If the past two years have taught us anything, it’s how to remain strong when faced with great challenges.
As the Westlake City School District prepares for a new year on the horizon, we once again look to our Portrait of a Lifelong Learner – our vision of what we expect from our students inside the classroom, and how we anticipate them contributing to the wider world outside of our hallways – to help set our course for 2022.
Reflecting back on 2021, I’m reminded of all the ways we have found to be "Resilient." Whether we were dealing with our own health problems or caring for others, rolling with the punches as policies shifted and changed, or accepting the challenges that come with an altered learning environment, we all found ways to persevere. I know the determination of our teachers and staff is observed by our students, who are learning to model that same behavior when confronted with their own struggles.
A "Resilient" Westlake student perseveres and adapts during times of adversity or stress and confronts uncertainty with courage and strength. They show tenacity in the pursuit of their goals, despite obstacles and challenges they may face.
Throughout 2020-2021, our students have come face-to-face with more trials than some encounter during their entire academic careers. Even with these obstacles, they’ve managed to emerge with more vigor and fortitude than could have ever been expected. They’ve found new ways to learn, grow and thrive, and they continue to achieve great things. I know that their grit and strength will carry them through the rest of this school year, and beyond, and I could not be prouder.
The holiday season is a time to join together with our families, friends and loved ones and reflect back on our experiences from the past year. I think this year, many of us will be taken aback when we realize just how much we’ve gone through, as individuals, as educators, and as a society. So much has been achieved in the face of great hardship. We’ve made it through and come out stronger on the other side.
I am so proud of the resilience I’ve witnessed in 2021, and of the positive example we’ve set for our students and each other, reminding us all that even in seemingly dark times, there is always light. We continue to move toward that light with positivity, optimism and hope for the future.
Scott Goggin
Dr. Scott Goggin is the superintendent of Westlake City Schools. He can be reached by email at goggin@mywlake.org.