Bay Village Schools honors retiring board members

Dave Vegh, left, and Lisa Priemer, seated, were honored at a recent Bay Village Board of Education meeting for their service to the Bay Village City School District. Vegh and Priemer, vice president and president respectively, did not seek reelection to the Board this past November, and are retiring their seats at the end of this calendar year. Also pictured are Char Shryock, interim superintendent, and Meghan Rohde, treasurer.

At the Dec. 6, 2021, Bay Village Board of Education meeting, two resolutions were passed honoring retiring Board members Lisa Priemer and Dave Vegh. 

Both resolutions highlighted the extraordinary level of commitment and dedication these Board members have given to Bay Village Schools during their time of service, including leading during a pandemic. 

“The resolutions passed by our Board in honor of Lisa and Dave shared the specific projects these two outstanding Board members have worked on for our district, but the thank you notes they received from our students really captured the true spirit of their gifts to our district,” said Interim Superintendent Char Shryock. “Both Lisa and Dave have been student-focused leaders during their tenure, and I thank them for that.”

Premier has served the district for six years, including as Vice President and President. Her leadership was instrumental in curriculum and safety initiatives, and in hiring key positions within the district, including a superintendent and two treasurers.

Vegh has been a Board member for three years, most recently serving as Vice President. During his tenure, he was involved with strategic planning and the hiring of a treasurer. 

“Bay Village Schools thanks both of these outstanding community members and current parents for their dedication to our district and the students we serve,” said Board Member Paul Vincent. 

Karen Uthe Semancik

Karen Uthe Semancik is the communications director for Bay Village Schools.

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Volume 14, Issue 1, Posted 10:00 AM, 01.04.2022