Bay Women's Club awards 7 scholarships

Norah Hamil, Joshua Dwyer, Linden Ifft, Rachel Leighliter, Erin Cho, Jonathan Douglas and Jennifer Koomar received Bay Women's Club scholarships. Photo by Tawny West

The Bay Village Women's Club Foundation has awarded scholarships to 7 Bay High School 2022 graduates of $2,500 each. One scholarship is a memorial to Shirley LeMay, a past Club member and officer, who worked for the City of Bay Village for 25 years as a staff accountant.

Club members met the students at its annual Honors for Scholars Luncheon at the Cleveland Yachting Club on April 28, after a 2-year hiatus due to COVID. Each scholarship recipient announced his or her college and major area of study.

Erin Cho plans to major in political science, pre-law at DePaul University in Chicago. In between stints as a class officer and captain of the tennis team, Erin belonged to Key Club and several other service organizations.

Jonathan Douglas’ future is looking up – literally. Meteorology will be his major at the University of Oklahoma. Jonathan’s diverse talents included cross country, chamber orchestra and Thespian Society.

Josh Dwyer is looking at a career in biomedical engineering at Purdue University. Josh competed on the tennis team, played in the marching band, sang A Capella, participated in the Thespian Society, and more.

Norah Hamil plans on a business major at The Ohio State University. Norah achieved Eagle Scout rank while also participating in Key Club, Film Club, Marching/Symphonic Band and varsity track.

Linden Ifft will study business at The Ohio State University. Linden was President of Bay’s National Honor Society, Captain of the Track and Field Team, Vice President of Student Council, and a member of the Rockettes.

Jennie Koomar plans to major in communications sciences and disorders at Ohio University. Jennie achieved Eagle Scout rank, was a class officer, participated in Thespians, and volunteered at the Police Athletic League and the Village Project.

Rachel Leighliter intends to major in commercial music performance and entrepreneurship at Tiffin University. Rachel was President of Thespians, an officer in Students for Diversity, a member of Choraleers and a volunteer for the Police Athletic League.

Nancy Trainer

The Bay Village Women's Club and Foundation is Bay's longest running civic and social organization, founded Feb. 1917.

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Volume 14, Issue 10, Posted 9:47 AM, 05.17.2022