Potluck program rediscovers mid-19th century cuisine
Rediscover “Mid-19th Century Cuisine,” as part of the Thursday, Sept. 15, Bay Village Historical Society potluck program.
Guest speaker Angie George, a member of the North Coast Narrative, a group dedicated to bringing Ohio history to life, will talk about food before supermarkets. Where did food come from? How was it prepared? What did kitchens look like 150 years ago before electricity? How does food preparation resemble and differ from today?
These topics will be discussed during the hour-long presentation. Enjoy samples and take home recipes of period food items to try yourself. The event, held at the Bay Lodge on Bradley Road in Bay Village, begins with a social at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. and program at 7 p.m.
The main dish will be provided by the historical society. Attendees with last names beginning with A through L should bring an appetizer or dessert for 10 to share. Those with last names beginning with M through Z should bring a side dish. All attendees should bring their own place setting and beverage. There will be a $10 charge at the door for non-members of the historical society. RSVP to htramba@sbcglobal.net or call 440-537-1581.