Over 200 attend the Friends of Porter Public Library's 50th Birthday Bash
More than 200 people attended the Friends of Porter Public Library’s 50th Birthday Bash on Nov. 4. The evening included a special friends-themed storytime, a screening of the Friends’ 50th Anniversary documentary showcasing the Friends throughout the years, Mayoral and State proclamations honoring the Friends of Porter Public Library, a “Happy Birthday” sing-along, friends-themed music, a cakewalk and of course, refreshments.
The Friends of Porter Public Library was founded in 1972 by a group of community members who believed in the importance of reading, the value of books and the importance of library services to the community and wished to support those values. Over their 50 years they have donated more than $1 million to the library to fund the annual Summer Challenge, purchase Outreach vans, fund the Myrna Chelko Early Literacy Program (named after one of the group’s founders), National Library Week activities, special activities for the library’s staff and much more. Most recently they donated $100,000 toward the Outdoor Programming Pavilion now under construction.
Elaine Willis
Elaine Willis is the Public Relations Associate at Westlake Porter Public Library.