The burden of being right
The burden that comes with being right all of the time is a heavy load to carry, not just for yourself, but for people around you as well. Being right all of the time is not a likeable characteristic, in fact it is off-putting. It’s a dark one-way road often heading in the wrong direction.
Unfortunately, we are seeing people’s need to be right more and more every day. People arguing on planes, with fast food employees and with police. The need to be right has become ugly.
What is behind all of the arguing? The perception or feeling that you have to have everything your way. It’s counterintuitive, but being right doesn’t always make you feel better.
You can try some of these responses and see how it makes you feel: “sorry, it won’t happen again,” “my fault” or “I totally understand.” Most of the time not having to be right stops an argument before it even starts. Being wrong might actually be the right thing for you!