Lenten Bible study of the Gospel of Mark at Dover UCC
Dover Congregational UCC will be a hosting a Lenten journey through the Gospel of Mark beginning Sunday, Feb. 26. Participants are asked to read Mark’s Gospel and “Meeting God in Mark, Reflections for the Season of Lent” by Anglican Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury.
The book focuses on Mark’s Passion narrative, making it an ideal devotional guide and study resource. Williams has included a reading guide, questions for reflection, and daily scripture readings in Mark throughout Lent.
The study of Mark will begin on Feb. 26 during Coffee Hour after Sunday worship at Dover, and end on Palm Sunday. An alternative study time will be offered via Zoom on Wednesday evenings during Lent, beginning on Wednesday, March 1, at 7 p.m.
The study sessions will be facilitated by Dover’s Minister of Justice, the Rev. Dr. John Rinehart. Books are available at Dover’s office for $15 or you may order you own from Amazon Books. Zoom guests are invited to register by calling the Dover office at 440-871-1050 for the Zoom link.
Mark’s Gospel is the oldest and shortest of the four gospels. It uniquely does not include the familiar birth narrative found in Matthew and Luke, or the philosophical Gospel of John. It also ends abruptly at the open tomb of Jesus, with no post-resurrection appearances.
Mark does not follow an historical narrative, rather, he relates stories of miracles, healing, forgiveness, parables, and ends with a lengthy passion narrative. Mark invites his readers to meet Jesus, the one from God, who consorts with all sorts of sinners.
He was the personification of the radical claim that all are welcome before the Lord. Mark’s Jesus is a trooper for justice, making his Gospel a suitable guide for our time.
John Rinehart
Rev. Dr. John Rinehart
Minister of Justice, Dover Congregational UCC