Lions honor Earth Day

Participating in the cleanup were: (front row, kneeling) Lion Denise Ayres, Lion Jara Dell and Judy Benson; (back row, standing) Council President David Greenspan, Lion Linda Krasienko, Laura Walker, Erin Barnes, Lion Jeff Dell, Ben Miller, Rev. Kim Nagy, Zachary Barnes, and Lion Antonio Dobyne.

The Westshore Lions Club and community partners Church of The Redeemer UCC, The Lake Erie Huddle and the City of Westlake Service Department teamed up on Saturday, April 15, to clean up litter in various locations in Westlake to kick off the observances of Earth Day and to serve in an important area of Lions' concern about the environment.

Westshore Lion Linda Krasienko organized and chaired the project which began with a welcome from Westlake City Council President David Greenspan who thanked the volunteers for their efforts as the volunteers then spent the next two hours fanning out to pick up litter in seven different locations in Westlake.

The weather was perfect and the Lions and our partners hope to make this an annual effort.

Kevin Barrett

I am a member of the Westshore Lions Club part of Lions clubs International community service. My service area includes helping the blind, we collect the used eye glasses and recently the Lions Club finished the Safety bucket project for the N. Olmsted and Westlake Schools. We are gradually expanding our eye glasses collection locations in Westlake, North Olmsted, Rocky River and more.

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Volume 15, Issue 8, Posted 9:27 AM, 05.02.2023