Westlake students use global mindset to prepare for new adventures

As the school year nears its conclusion, many of us anticipate the future. Our soon-to-be graduates are ready to leave home and pursue a college education or launch new careers that will allow them to live independently for the first time and explore different cultures through their newfound peers. This mindset affords our graduates a unique chance to broaden and deepen their understanding of life beyond what is familiar.

Our younger students are going through change. They may be trying different hobbies or looking forward to summer activities that allow them to meet people from other social groups. Many will embark on family trips and explore unknown lands. Some may anticipate the next school year when they move up a grade level or switch buildings.

Although these life changes may appear daunting, our Westlake students greet all difficulties openly. They recognize that each change can offer unique perspectives and unforgettable experiences. Our globally-minded learners are open to a plethora of possibilities!

As our Westlake students continue their academic and out-of-class experiences, they stay open to different cultures and perspectives. They are sensitive to the various diversity in the world around them. Rather than being afraid of transformation or hesitant to attempt something new, they eagerly welcome alternative approaches with open hearts.

Our globally-minded students go above and beyond when it comes to collaboration, working together to reach shared goals while gaining knowledge from each other along the way. These young minds are curious and empathetic – contemplating how their actions can positively or negatively impact those around them and our planet.

Thanks to their Westlake education, our students are confident, eager, and ready to take on the world after graduation. They have developed the skill sets needed to collaborate with people from different backgrounds, a strong appetite for new information, and a respectable amount of empathy toward others. Offering them countless opportunities in various industries, our graduates leave us fearlessly prepared to apply everything they've learned in practice.

A global mindset may appear daunting, but it starts with small actions – things our students accomplish daily. They bravely go beyond their comfort zones to explore new relationships and experiences. Kindness comes as they assist those in need or join forces for something greater than themselves. With these large and small steps, our students embrace the power of thinking globally!

Our remarkable students are role models and show us the way forward, inspiring us to think beyond our boundaries. By being globally aware, we become more active members of society who are more equipped to confront obstacles head-on and support each other through adversity. We have come together for a common cause – striving towards a brighter future that unites humanity.

Scott Goggin

Dr. Scott Goggin is the superintendent of Westlake City Schools. He can be reached by email at goggin@mywlake.org.

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Volume 15, Issue 8, Posted 9:26 AM, 05.02.2023