Early graduates of Bay High School

Members of the Class of 1948 pose on a car. Fun fact: This was the class with whom former New York Yankees principal owner and Bay resident, George Steinbrenner, was due to graduate, had he stayed in Bay Village for high school. He is listed as having attended at least one class reunion which may speak to the affinity he had for this class.
Congratulations to the recent Bay Village graduates of 2023!
In the Bay Village Historical Society archives, we have a small collection of photographs (mainly from the 1940s and earlier) of past Bay Village public school buildings, students and faculty. We also house a collection of objects, diplomas, programs, publications and other papers relating to Bay Village Schools up until the present day.
The following photos are a sampling of this collection. Please visit the Bay Village Historical Society’s website to see many more school photos and learn about some of Bay’s earliest high school students on our Glimpse of the Past page at www.bayhistorical.com.
If you are a graduate of Bay High School and would like to browse your old yearbooks, the Bay Village Historical Society has a collection online going back to the early 1920s. High school yearbooks can be viewed on our website.
Come view beautiful examples of bead art during our latest exhibition, Beadwork: The Beauty of Small Things, at the Rose Hill Museum in Cahoon Park from 2:00-4:30 p.m. every Sunday through December (closed holiday weekends). Admission is free and our docent guides will be happy to direct you. Contact us by phone at 216-319-4634 or email info@bayhistorical.com with any questions.
Michele Yamamoto
I work for Cathy Flament and the Bay Village Historical Society as a Collections Manager. I will be submitting articles written by various members of the Society, including myself, through my personal account.