We have a problem

On June 1, Crocker Park introduced a new policy. Anyone age 15 and under is required to have an adult/parent with them. This parent or adult will be responsible for any damages or losses caused by the child. Young people must bring proper identification with them to Crocker Park.

It all sounds quite severe. Why would Crocker Park feel the need to implement such a stern policy?

Because for some time, feral groups of young teens have been tormenting the shop and restaurant employees and owners. They organize on social media and hit planned locations strategically, with one mission in mind. To destroy everything in their paths.

They break displays, turn over tables and chairs, destroy dining rooms and fight. The purpose is pure destruction. They don’t think about patrons trying to enjoy a meal, employees that have to clean up the messes or owners that have to pay for the broken items.

They grab products from shelves and walk out the door. They trash bathrooms. They heckle and disrespect police officers because they know little will be done.

The business owners pay exorbitant amounts of rent to be at Crocker Park. Businesses also struggle to hire and keep employees. It is a real challenge to keep a business open and running today. On top of the current challenges they face, they now have to worry about young people destroying their stores and restaurants.

During Covid young people were very angry. They missed out on a lot of important things. They missed out on socializing, friendships and enjoying events and ceremonies that were supposed to take place. It was sad and for this reason, we looked the other way on some bad behavior situations. It's time to stop now. It's time to rein things back into control. There is no credible justification for hurting people and businesses.

Crocker Park is not a recreation center. It is not a daycare and it is also not a place where people should be mistreated or abused. It is a lovely shopping/ dining spot where everyone should feel comfortable enjoying the surroundings.

It is time for good people to say enough!

Before you get upset with Crocker Park about this new rule, think about what they have been dealing with for quite a while. Think about how many times they have had to deal with behavior completely unfitting for the venue. I do feel for the young people who have respected the environment and have enjoyed socializing without incident.

Unfortunately, we all know what the few bad apples are capable of.

Colleen Harding

President of The Cleveland School of Etiquette and Corporate Protocol.   I am a member St Raphael Women's Guild, Friends of the Westside Catholic Center and The Avon Oaks Women's Golf Association.

I live in Bay Village with my husband and 3 children.   

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Volume 15, Issue 10, Posted 8:44 AM, 06.06.2023